Names for fantasy side characters?

so if u viewed the announcement before…u know that i’m writing a fantasy series. I’m still deciding on the name of the main character but now I need some ideas for side characters since I’m the least creative person. I obviously want him to have a male best friend and a name for his love interest. what I’m struggling mostly with is the love interest. should his love interest be a boy or a girl? and the name? I’m not sure. ideas? if you have any, i’d really appreciate it. thank u :innocent:

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Hi! Can you tell us more about your setting? Is it Medieval Fantasy? Urban Fantasy? Something else entirely? It may help a lot to narrow down the kind of names that would fit.

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so I kinda talked about it in the announcement before but its ok if u missed it, so the setting is a utopian city where everything’s perfect and it’s above [name_f]Reality[/name_f] (earth) and long ago, people got their supernatural abilities stripped away from them from the Ministry.

I hope that helps! :)))


I’m sorry, I did miss it; thank you for answering!

Based on that, I would suggest…




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THANK YOU SO MUCH for these names they’re really good


I don’t know why, but I really feel like suggesting [name_m]Casimir[/name_m]. It’s a Slavic-eqsue name and extremely underrated in my opinion.

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yeah actually casmir is really gud I might use that for one of my side characters :grinning:

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