Names for nickname Kiki?

Recently I’ve fallen in love with [name_f]Kiki[/name_f], but not sure I love it as a full first name. Does anybody have suggestions as to what names [name_f]Kiki[/name_f] could be short for? I love [name_f]Kiana[/name_f] (Kee-awn-ah).

[name_f]Kiana[/name_f] would work. [name_f]Kira[/name_f] or [name_f]Kiara[/name_f]?

Anything that starts with K and contains i:

Anything that contains “ki”:

Probably even anything that even contains “k”:

It’s really not a formal nickname, if you know what I mean. I would put it in a category with [name_f]Lolly[/name_f], Roo, [name_f]Minnie[/name_f], and the likes - in that they can be relatively loosely attached to a long name.

I know a Kyriaki nn [name_f]Kiki[/name_f] and I love her name. She is Greek.


I agree with larkub101, I think [name_f]Kiki[/name_f] can work with for any name that has a K sound in it :slight_smile: I think it even works for [name_f]Carys[/name_f]; even though [name_f]Carys[/name_f] is spelled with a C it sounds like a hard K. :slight_smile:

I’ve only known a [name_f]Kristy[/name_f] who has gone by [name_f]Kiki[/name_f]…

I know a [name_f]Ksenia[/name_f] nn [name_f]Kiki[/name_f]. I love that name! She is from Serbia.