Names from the book I'm reading: girls names on boys

So, I started reading A Lick of [name_u]Frost[/name_u] by [name_f]Laurell[/name_f] K [name_m]Hamilton[/name_m]. She’s got some really interestingly named boys in there and I decided to share them.

These are some girls names on boys in that book:

[name_f]Crystall[/name_f] – yes with two Ls
Usna – It might not be a girl name but it sounds like one

Mixed in with boys named :


Thoughts? Any weird or interesting name finds from your life recently?

Hmm, I don’t think I’d ever use [name_f]Crystal[/name_f], [name_f]Holly[/name_f] or [name_f]Aisling[/name_f] on a boy! Those are all-girl to me. (And [name_f]Mistral[/name_f], to me, is a font.) I am fond of [name_u]Gale[/name_u], though, and I like the [name_m]French[/name_m] [name_u]Jean[/name_u], though I could certainly never use it now given my second daughter’s name.

I’m reading “The Brief Wondrous Life of [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] Wao” by [name_u]Junot[/name_u] [name_u]Diaz[/name_u] right now. It’s a fantastic novel and there are some very interesting names in there, too. The title character’s mother is named [name_f]Hypatia[/name_f] [name_f]Belicia[/name_f] and his grandfather is [name_m]Abelard[/name_m]. (Come to think of it, the author’s name is pretty awesome, as well.)

Hmmm… a bit weird. I have been liking [name_f]Orla[/name_f] recently after listening to [name_f]Orla[/name_f] Gartland’s new songs. Nothing weird though [unless you count familiar but dated names like [name_f]Geraldine[/name_f]]

[name_f]Holly[/name_f] is awesome on a boy, although not even vaguely usable. I think it would be adorable as a nn for [name_u]Hollis[/name_u] if it wasn’t already so firmly a girl’s name. If [name_u]Olly[/name_u] works as a boy’s name, why not [name_f]Holly[/name_f]? I prefer [name_f]Aisling[/name_f] on a girl, though.

I think it would be easier for a girl to have a more boyish name than for a boy to bear a girly name. As for odd names I’ve run across recently, I know a friend who is a published writer, and the book she’s working on has a main character named [name_f]Hortense[/name_f]. Others?
There was a man named [name_m]Shepard[/name_m] in a book I’d read recently. Also, on angels, the names [name_f]Shirley[/name_f], Goodness, [name_f]Mercy[/name_f], and [name_m]Will[/name_m] ;D [name_m]Aren[/name_m], for a boy, also.

I love [name_u]Frost[/name_u] for a boy! The girls’ names I’m not struck by for either gender and bar maybe [name_f]Mistral[/name_f], None of the other boys’ names make me go ‘wow’.

Interesting. [name_f]Holly[/name_f] and [name_f]Crystall[/name_f] (I wonder if it’s pronounced differently from [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] because of the double Ls) in particular. I wouldn’t use them myself, but I think it’s nice to see girls names on boys (when boys names on girls are widely accepted, why not the other way around as well?) As for the other boys names, I really like [name_u]Galen[/name_u], [name_u]Frost[/name_u], [name_u]Rhys[/name_u] and Taranis.

The other day I met a little boy named Vinter (Danish equivalent of [name_u]Winter[/name_u]), thought that was pretty cool.

[name_f]Orla[/name_f] is actually predominantly used on boys here in Scandinavia.

I liked [name_f]Holly[/name_f] and [name_f]Aisling[/name_f] actually, on these characters. [name_f]Holly[/name_f] is very aggressive and [name_f]Aisling[/name_f] is very mysterious. I like seeing it too even if I wouldn’t have used those names on boys. I keep a list of all the boys I’ve met with girl names. :slight_smile:

I’ve actually met two boys named [name_u]Winter[/name_u] :slight_smile: And two that were [name_f]Willow[/name_f] (one by birth, the other by choice).

I loathe boy names on girls, but for some reason, girls names on boys isn’t such a big deal. I mean, sometimes I think it can be a little tacky, but it’s never like, “You named your son [name_u]Ashley[/name_u]? Pshhh.” Because it was a boys name. Is that weird?

[name_f]Holly[/name_f] and [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] don’t strike me as that odd. One is a plant and the other is a rock. [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] could even go by [name_u]Chris[/name_u] ([name_m]Crys[/name_m]?).

My favorite “girl’s name on a boy” is [name_f]Jayne[/name_f] [name_m]Cobb[/name_m] from Firefly. He’s basically the exact opposite of what you would expect a guy named [name_f]Jane[/name_f] to look and act like.

I think [name_u]Galen[/name_u] is an awesome name. I named the father of one of the characters in the series I’m working on right now [name_u]Galen[/name_u]. :slight_smile: