I’m really loving the name [name]Simone[/name] right now, but it doesn’t work with our last name ([name]Jones[/name]). Our dd is [name]Margot[/name], and both of those names sound sophisticated, known but not overly common, and not tied to any particular time period. What other girl names fit those criteria and go with our last name? Thanks for your help!
I love [name]Simone[/name], too. Here are a few names that I thought might fit the bill… I didn’t go too crazy though, just a few… hehe.
The first name I thought of was [name]Winter[/name]. I think it would sound really nice with [name]Margot[/name].
I think the previous posters have covered almost everything I would have suggested, except I would also like to add [name]Ramona[/name].
Thanks for all the suggestions. These are the ones that spoke to me:
What do you think about these names?
[name]Sabine[/name] and [name]Salome[/name] are similar to [name]Simone[/name] but a little more exotic, but would they wear as well on a real girl?
I really like [name]Astrid[/name]! And imo [name]Sabine[/name] and [name]Salome[/name] are definitely usable.
I love Margot and I think Simone would be a lovely sibling so it’s a shame your surname eliminates it from contention. I love the suggestions of Celeste, Cecile, Corinne and Adele. Here are some other names that would go well with Margot. All the best, Mischa.
I love the suggestions of [name]Adele[/name] and [name]Sabine[/name]! I think [name]Sabine[/name] is definitely useable/wearable for a little girl. It’s not too far off from [name]Sabrina[/name] but much more sophisticated and stylish imo. It’s a very popular name in Europe along with [name]Sabina[/name].
I want to love [name]Salome[/name], but I don’t think it’s as wearable for a little girl and doesn’t really pair well with [name]Margot[/name], imo. (The repeated long O sounds and the names give off very different vibes…[name]Salome[/name] just seems very exotic and sexy to me.)
I like [name]Audra[/name]/[name]Audrey[/name] with [name]Margot[/name] but not as much as I like [name]Adele[/name].
Again, I want to love [name]Astrid[/name] but I prefer [name]Adele[/name] and [name]Sabine[/name] of your favorite choices so I can’t fully support [name]Astrid[/name]. Sounds a little harsh next to the soft [name]Margot[/name].
My favorites for you (including some from the most recent poster):
I think [name]Salome[/name] is beautiful! I also like [name]Sloane[/name] although that sounds more like [name]Jones[/name] than [name]Simone[/name] does.
Wow! Great suggestions already. I really like [name]Sylvie[/name], [name]Adele[/name], [name]Sandrine[/name], [name]Cosette[/name], [name]Celeste[/name] and [name]Sabine[/name] (yes you can use it! I know someone - age 25- with this name).
I also [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Georgia[/name] and [name]Winter[/name] but I’m not sure they go well with [name]Margot[/name]. Not sure how important that is to you. It doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker, just mentioning.
Not a big fan of [name]Audra[/name], though [name]Audrey[/name] is nice. I like [name]Astrid[/name] OK, but the beginning syllable being ‘ass’ kinda dampers the love for me. [name]Salome[/name] sounds like [name]Shalom[/name] to me.
What about…
[name]Celine[/name] (too [name]Dion[/name]? lol)
I want to second (and third etc) the suggestions of [name]Sabine[/name] and [name]Ramona[/name]. They both feel very close to [name]Simone[/name] for me, and both pair nicely with [name]Margot[/name].