names similar to Lily...

My mom’s middle name is [name]Sue[/name] and the meaning of [name]Sue[/name] is “[name]Lily[/name]”. I would like to find a way to use this to honor her, however, [name]Lily[/name] is a little too common for me so I would love some imput on another name or form of [name]Lily[/name] that would work. I have always loved [name]Lila[/name]/[name]Lilah[/name], do you think this is similar enough to work? I’m open to any/all suggestions, thanks! :slight_smile:

[name]Lila[/name] is similar to [name]Lily[/name] but I think comes from a different root. Some other suggestions: [name]Lillian[/name], [name]Lilias[/name], and [name]Zanna[/name] (short for [name]Susanna[/name], the name from which your mom’s name is derived).

Names related to [name]Sue[/name]:
[name]Sanna[/name] (SAH-na)

Names like [name]Lily[/name]:
Crina (Romanian)
[name]Nerida[/name] (Aboriginal)
Azucena ("[name]Madonna[/name] lily" in Spanish)
[name]Lilias[/name] (Scottish)

[name]Lila[/name] is actually a Sanskrit word that refers to the Hindu concept of playful gods, so it isn’t etymologically related to [name]Lily[/name]. It goes hand in hand with [name]Maya[/name], the idea that the material world is an illusion. [name]Both[/name] are names in the [name]West[/name], but I really haven’t heard of many people who actually know their origins. [name]Lilia[/name], however, is a variant of [name]Lily[/name].