Looking for baby names that contain the combination Zira, or can be used as a nickname? So far we got Azira and, from what I saw online, a made up name Aziraphale (I feel like thats tooooo big of a mouthful though, even though its pretty, and apparently from a TV show) but Id like to have a list just to see all of the options. Azira is my SOs grandmothers name, but if possible Id like to have it be similar enough to honor her, but unique enough to give the baby their own identity.
Boys and girls names welcome, since we still dont really know what the baby is going to be (however I have a strong feeling its a girl but thats just me)
Honestly? I would just go with Azira, its a beautiful name on its own, apparently not very common, and it means rising star, which is a great meaning to grow up with. It gives you the nickname Zira, which is also a baby name, but I think [name_m]AH[/name_m]-zira rolls off the tongue better.