NAMES USNG 'Y' instead of vowels.

Does anyone have any names using the letting Y in place I, A or O? (For example [name]Austyn[/name], [name]Rowyn[/name], etc). I am looking for unique girl & boy names! Any help would be great. Thanks :slight_smile:

[name]How[/name] come you believe that adding a ā€˜yā€™ to names like [name]Austin[/name], [name]Rowan[/name] etc (which are popular names) would make them unique? Wouldnā€™t they just be popular names that have to be corrected when spelled?
You would be better off, [name]IMO[/name], by using a name that actually has a ā€˜yā€™ in it naturally if you like that letter.

My taste is similar to the previous posters, and I think it is the general consensus you will get on this site (Iā€™m sure there are some exceptions). [name]Plenty[/name] of people in this world love that spelling change too, though, so not to worry if you are set on it, your child wonā€™t be alone and plenty of people will have a more positive reaction to it than you might find here : D.

But if you can find it in your taste to just like an -an, in, -en, or -on spelling, I think it will save the child some basically needless spelling headaches. Now, if the letter y is very meaningful to you because itā€™s a letter with a lot of use in the family, or if youā€™ve been set on using a y since you were 8 years old or something, I think that makes it more meaningful and I at least would be more pleased by the idea. Although it would still probably be best to just go with a name featuring the letter.

[name]Kathryn[/name] is one of the exceptions to this ā€“ I think that spelling has become pretty standardized. Also, some names with -lyn seem pretty right or even obligatory, like [name]Ashlyn[/name], [name]Jocelyn[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Carolyn[/name], [name]Marilyn[/name], maybe [name]Katelyn[/name] (but, for my taste, not [name]Madelyn[/name] or [name]Jasmyn[/name] or some others). [name]Jessamyn[/name] isnā€™t horrible to me even though [name]Jessamine[/name] looks more standard, because itā€™s such a rare name to begin with (and that kind of seems like what you say you want).

On that note, some names do (I think) take a yn variation more naturally, even by default - these are names from Welsh. [name]Rowan[/name] or [name]Rowen[/name] are actually really much more standard than [name]Rowyn[/name], which just looks wrong to me, but I think other names can do this. Iā€™m not Welsh, so somebody who is should feel free to jump in and correct me, but I think there is some flexibility like

For girls
Aderyn/[name]Deryn[/name] (for this one, yn appears the default)
[name]Carys[/name] (not yn, but similar)
and moreā€¦

And for boys
and others.

Other names featuring y (besides at the end)ā€¦
For girls

For boys

Best wishes!

Itā€™s not actually for me. Itā€™s for my sister-in-law. Itā€™s what her mom did and she wished to follow suit. My kids are both ā€˜Hā€™ names, but have no 'Yā€™s.

Thanks by the way for all of the options. Iā€™m making a helpful list for her because Iā€™m a big name buff :slight_smile:

Best wishes to your sister then! And if it is a family thing, all the better. You know, most the websites have a function where if you enter in just part of a name, everything containing that shows up. On Nameberry you can do this with ā€œSuper Searchā€ (upper right) ā€œends withā€ Some some endings to try are


and probably others?

also try searching the standards

[name]Just[/name] knowing you would change

maybe you can do the same with these sequences

and just adjust accordingly.

Best wishes!

I hope that you continue to use nameberry for inspiration as we have lots of great namers here on nameberry. As an old nameberry I hope that my comment is not too emotional but the first word that comes to mind when I see something as suggested is the word ā€˜aberrationā€™, or in other words ā€˜the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.ā€™ The ppā€™s have been less emotional but in essence we encourage everyone to use the traditional spelling of a name. I think that there are so many fabulous names that it is not necessary to resort to a made up spelling to get a name that has a unique feel to it.

We would love to go with you on your s.i.lā€™s baby naming journey to help you find a name that ticks all the boxes for her, so if you would like to start a thread with an idea of type of names she likes eg literary, vintage etc then we can take up the ā€˜ballā€™ and find a list for her to browse and we will continue to help her for as long as it takes to find THE name for her baby if you would like us to help out.

best wishes,

rollo :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestions Jesba & [name]Rollo[/name]ā€¦ but I think for my s.i.l., itā€™s more about the incorrect spelling of a name that appeals to her. I went through my ā€œ[name]Baby[/name] Name Bibleā€ and used the variations using ā€˜Yā€™ that is suggested in there. Thatā€™s all I can do :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been reading the site for months and just wanted to create a name for this thread. Itā€™s not just thread, but a lot of threads like this oneā€¦ [name]Jarah[/name] was just asking for some names using Y and she wasnā€™t asking what people thought of that idea. She asked for help with the name and ppā€™s like sili annie & [name]Rollo[/name]ā€¦it almost seems like you are judging her. Letā€™s just try and settle down and answer the question she asked and not tell her what you think of the name(s)/idea [name]Jarah[/name] or her sister-in-law wanna use. I am sorry to [name]Jarah[/name] if she is the one who wants to use themā€¦and had to come up with her sister-in-law wants to use them because she feels funny or feels like she is being judged for naming her baby what she wants. lay offā€¦and help her with what she wants.

Hmm, how is asking a question judging? I
legitimately wanted to know if she realized that if she named her son [name]Austin[/name] but spelled it [name]Austyn[/name] it wouldnā€™t make it any less popular just something that her child would have to correct. That is why I recommended her using a name with a legit y in it.
I donā€™t see that a judging just giving advice which she can take or leave.
Maybe you should look at our intentions before judging us.
[name]Jarah[/name]: while it isnā€™t my cup of tea these are ones I have seen:

Thanks for your support, namingimpaired, but it truly is my sister-in-law. I used this website before when naming my daughter. I have two kiddos of my own. [name]Heath[/name] [name]Edward[/name] (2 1/2) & [name]Hanna[/name] [name]Grace[/name] (4 Months) .I do, however, believe when you house a child inside of you for 9 months, you get to name it whatever you wantā€¦ no matter how silly or inappropriate it may seem to others.



[name]Hi[/name] [name]Jarah[/name], how about some names that already have a ā€œyā€ in them?



[name]Glad[/name] you found some help for your own naming earlier, and hope this is helping for your sister.

Did the search terms I mentioned work / help? I hope so!

Is there any more input on what kind of names she likes? I would estimate the majority of names can have a vowel changed to y or a y added, so the fieldā€™s pretty wide open. Iā€™m trying to think of names where itā€™s impossible. Itā€™s mostly names with only Oā€™s and Uā€™s, or few vowels besides O and U, or only short a sounds, maybe?

See no way to get a y into:
[name]Otto[/name] (see no way to do it)
[name]Hugo[/name] (but even then, maybe Hyugo?)

Iā€™m sure there are moreā€¦but I really can imagine it being a pronounceable if uncommon spelling in a TON of names.

Trying to think of anything else to addā€¦itā€™s really hard for me to see [name]Lauren[/name] spelled as [name]Lauryn[/name] without thinking of [name]Lauryn[/name] [name]Hill[/name] the musician. I donā€™t know whether other people would feel that way though.

Best wishes!

Hm, how about:
[name]Caryna[/name] / [name]Karyna[/name]
