Names with Double Meanings?

Hello all,

Scanning my lists, I have discovered that most of my favorite names have double meanings;

[name]Tallulah[/name] (Irish/Choctaw); abundant woman/leaping waters
[name]Nara[/name] (Celtic/Japanese); happy/thunder
[name]Marit[/name] (Aramic/?); lady/pearl
[name]Cordelia[/name] (Latin/Celtic); heart, daughter of the sea
[name]Beatrice[/name]; she who is blessed/voyager

This is a short list because I have no idea how to search for names with double meanings. Perhaps you genius berries might have names on your lists, or know of names that have double meanings? I find that they give the name a rich, almost lush feel. Hopefully you can help me with this! :slight_smile:


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Believe it or not, name meanings aren’t really my thing - you’re far better at it than me! I love that all of these names not only have two meanings, but two positive, strong meanings! [name]How[/name] neat!

A lot of combination names will necessarily have two meanings, but one of the quirkiest in my opinion is old-lady [name]Hannelore[/name], which means both “grace” and “God is my light.” Oh, gosh, I’m so bad at this! Sorry.


PS I recently came across [name]Marilla[/name] again and remembered how pretty it is. It means “shining sea.”