Another poll just reminded me that my aunt’s name is actually [name]Wendy[/name] [name]Gail[/name], and it got me thinking of other Oops names in my family. None of these were done intentionally!
We have:
[name]Wendy[/name] [name]Gail[/name] (windy gale)
EAT as initials for a heavy-set individual
TNT as initials
6 Davids - some have married in!
4 siblings with city names ([name]Bethany[/name], [name]Savannah[/name], [name]Dallas[/name] and [name]Austin[/name] - the parents simply liked these names and didn’t see the theme until years later!)
[name]Wendy[/name] [name]Gale[/name]…I didn’t catch the [name]Windy[/name] [name]Gale[/name] connection at first. There’s a thread in the Talk About Names Section called “Horrible Names” that you may enjoy, featuring such winners as [name]Jeffrey[/name] Artz (nn [name]Jeff[/name]…say it out loud), [name]Paige[/name] [name]Turner[/name], and [name]Richard[/name] Handler, nn [name]Dick[/name].