Naming boy Zev if not Jewish

Is it frown upon to name your son [name_m]Zev[/name_m] if you are not Jewish?
Thanks in advance!

Well, it’s a Biblical name, not specifically Jewish so I think it’s fine.

Zev is literally number one on my list atm!

I’m not even remotely Jewish either but I kind of relate it a tiny bit more to being a regular Hebrew name instead of purely Jewish so I would say it’s fine. A lot of names have Hebrew origins and no one bats an eyelid

I’ve never heard of it being an issue.

I think it will be fine

I’m not Jewish, so I can’t give too much input. I just have seen a lot of Jewish people say/feel that using Jewish (Hebrew) names (especially ones from the Old Testament) is often seen as cultural appropriation. I’d maybe look into it more, maybe talk to some more Jewish people about it!
I love [name_m]Zev[/name_m] and many other Jewish names I think are beautiful, but I wouldn’t personally use them because I’m not Jewish.

Good luck!!

I am Jewish (although rather loosley practicing), and I honestly think it depends on the name. Nobody will bat an eyelid if you name a son [name_m]Adam[/name_m], [name_m]Daniel[/name_m], [name_m]David[/name_m], [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] etc, but when it comes to names that are less common outside of Jewish families, people seem to frown on it. I personally wouldn’t be offended. As it comes from a reference to [name_u]Benjamin[/name_u], and means wolf, those might be good alternatives to look at.

I would definitely think you were Jewish or Israeli if you used the name [name_m]Zev[/name_m].