I am needing to find a funky middle name for [name]Sullivan[/name].
I tend to like the 1 syllable names. I don’t really have any in mind.
I like [name]Dash[/name], [name]Stone[/name], [name]Cash[/name]…, I have no idea. I am just starting to throw some around.
I think [name]Sullivan[/name] needs a cool middle, anything too serious, makes the whole name too
formal, in my opinion.
Thank you, lots of good ones to talk to the hubby about. I like names that are obvious sounding, if that makes any sense. What do you think about [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Reef[/name]?
Of the names that have already been suggested, I really love [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Rhys[/name], [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Gray[/name], [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Grant[/name], and [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Jaz[/name]!
A lot of the names that I was going to suggest are already here
I just made a long list of one syllable names for personal use. I wont list them all, not all of them great and I’m sure there will be some here that are well meh but who knows.
Out of all of these I think [name]Beck[/name], [name]Gray[/name], [name]Mac[/name], [name]West[/name], and [name]Ridge[/name] are my favorites; very cool. Thought I’d also throw out [name]Duke[/name], I love how [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Duke[/name] sounds like a cowboy!
I liked the suggestion of [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Night[/name] a lot! I also wanted to suggest [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Knight[/name], which would give it a totally different spin, depending on which imagery you wanted to conjure up!
I know your looking for a middle name but seeing [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Night[/name] and [name]Sullivan[/name] [name]Knight[/name] ( I love either) made me think of the [name]Sylvan[/name] [name]Night[/name]/[name]Sylvan[/name] [name]Knight[/name]. I really like those too.
PS [name]Grey[/name]/[name]Gray[/name] like suggested earlier is a great mn.
Thanks for all the feedback. My hubby actually really loves [name]Night[/name]. I love [name]Grey[/name] too, but it is too close to [name]Grace[/name] which is my middle name and hope to use it someday with a girl. Also, my cousin has a [name]Jude[/name], so that’s out. Thanks again!