Need a G girl name!!

My name is [name]Gabrielle[/name], and I always get compliments on it. Also, I’ve only come across a few others in my life (and in fact they were [name]Gabriella[/name] or [name]Gavriella[/name]).

I think [name]Gemma[/name] is sweet with [name]Georgia[/name] and [name]Grace[/name]

I voted for [name]Gwenyth[/name], though I’d much rather something like [name]Guinevere[/name]. [name]Gwenyth[/name] is forever associated with [name]Gwenyth[/name] Paltrow. [name]Gwendoline[/name] is quite nice, too.

Well, I voted [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Rose[/name]. I like how it flows. However, it does sound popular as well. [name]Gwyneth[/name] [name]Flint[/name] does sound a bit odd - sorry.
It’s cool that someone would give that name to their child though, cuz of the famous [name]Gwyneth[/name]. :slight_smile:
[name]Greta[/name] is nice, but I don’t like that it is a G name that ends in A like [name]Georgia[/name], and [name]Grace[/name] doesn’t end in an A.
[name]How[/name] come you don’t have another C name if it is a boy?
My name often gets mistaken for [name]Gwyneth[/name], but I doubt you would like it: [name]Glenys[/name]. [name]Glynis[/name] is also similar.
What about a name with a G nn? For example: [name]Virginia[/name] ([name]Ginny[/name]) or [name]Marigold[/name] ([name]Goldie[/name])

sorry…i am not a fan of any of your names! I dont even like the ones you have already. I really like classic names such as [name]Danielle[/name], [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Laura[/name] and [name]Amanda[/name] (:

I am not keen on [name]Greta[/name]. Never warmed to it, not sure why. I do like the many [name]Gwen[/name]-names, including [name]Gwendolen[/name] or [name]Gwyneira[/name] - which seems like a good way to get away from the -th ending and still reminiscent of [name]Gwyneth[/name]? - and just simple crisp [name]Gwen[/name] is nice too.

All of them are further away from [name]Grace[/name] (which I like) than [name]Greta[/name] is, and I think that’s a thing you’d want?

I do like [name]Ginevra[/name] and [name]Genevieve[/name] though.