Having a baby girl, and we love the name [name]Kennedy[/name]. I hate the nickname [name]Kenny[/name] though… any suggestions?
Umm…[name]Ken[/name] and [name]Eddy[/name] are too masculine and I don’t really see another one. Maybe Enny/Eny??
[name]Kay[/name], KeeKee, [name]Kadee[/name], [name]Dee[/name], [name]Dee[/name]-[name]Dee[/name], Nedee…thats all I can think of! But I do like the full name itself!
What aboud [name]Edie[/name] (pronounced EE-dee not eh-dee)? This is a more feminine nn, usually used for [name]Edith[/name].
I know a [name]Kennedy[/name] who is about 8 years old. They just call her [name]Kennedy[/name]. I like that, I don’t think there needs to be a nickname. Especially since its a girl, you don’t want to call her [name]Ken[/name] or [name]Eddy[/name]. [name]Kennedy[/name] is cute by itself
I think [name]Dee[/name]‘s the most obvious one, or some variation like [name]Dee[/name] [name]Dee[/name], [name]Deena[/name], etc. [name]Kenny[/name] and [name]Ned[/name] are definitely boys’ nns so you’d have to actually promote them to get them. Or you could just call her something completely different as a nn!
Nedy, or Kensie?
My best friends name is [name]Kennedy[/name] and she hates all the nicknames for her name we all just call her kennedy. She likes her name its not that popular.
I think [name]Dee[/name], [name]Edie[/name]/[name]Edy[/name] or Kensie are all adorable.
[name]How[/name] about [name]Kiki[/name]?
Thanks guys! I really like most of these (esp the variations of [name]Dee[/name], Kensie, and [name]Kadee[/name]). I like hearing that other women have grown up just being called [name]Kennedy[/name] with no nickname. Thats encouraging.
Now to pick the middle name! I really like [name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Jane[/name]…
A coworker of mine has a 5 year old named [name]Kennedy[/name] and we all just call her [name]Kennedy[/name]. Her middle name is [name]Grace[/name]
I like [name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Jane[/name]. I think one syllable names work best with [name]Kennedy[/name], and I like that [name]Jane[/name] is classic and feminine next to a more modern, unisex name. Some similar options:
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Maeve[/name]
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]June[/name]
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Fay[/name]
[name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Beth[/name]
Good luck!
what about [name]Kenna[/name]?
I love the name kennedy
[name]Edie[/name] is my favorite (pronounced like [name]Edie[/name] Sedgwick or [name]Edie[/name] from DH)
Or “[name]Dee[/name]”
but [name]Kennedy[/name] is such a beautiful name, it really doesnt need a nn
[name]Kiki[/name] & Kensie are great ideas!
Hows about [name]Kenna[/name]?
I love the name [name]Kennedy[/name], definitely one of my personal favourites. I think [name]Kennedy[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is cute, however be cautious of her initials being KJ if you do not want that as a nickname, unfortunately that is a common issue when a J name is used for a middle (you end up with CJ, KJ, AJ, DJ etc…). But regardless still a wonderful name and I like using [name]Kenna[/name] for a nickname.
I like [name]Edie[/name]. I know a little girl whose name is [name]Edith[/name] who goes by [name]Edie[/name]. And another names [name]Eden[/name] who goes by [name]Edie[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are just the most darling names for little girls. And I def dont think it’s too much of a stretch to pull “[name]Edie[/name]” from “[name]Kennedy[/name].” I love the name [name]Kennedy[/name] for a girl too but you’re right – pulling a nickname out of it isn’t easy.
Still, there is nothing wrong with just calling her [name]Kennedy[/name] all the time too. Its an easy name to say. It’s very pretty. And it’s memorable.
Agree nn [name]Edie[/name] would be nice (not [name]Eddy[/name]). Loved the suggestion of the old-fashioned [name]Kay[/name]. [name]Kenna[/name] was the first suggestion that came to mind. However, [name]Kennedy[/name] works easily without a nn.
As for the mn, Kennedy is such a strong surname that I think it needs something decidedly feminine to balance it out, without being super feminissima, which would sound odd next to it. Since the name Kennedy harkens back to the time when JFK was in office, I’d love to hear an older girl’s name being brought out of the closet, with a dash of retro vibe, but at the same time, it would also be cool to hear it paired with a less-used Irish name. Here are some combinations for you to peruse:
Kennedy Margaret
Kennedy Virginia
Kennedy Helen
Kennedy Frances
Kennedy Louise
Kennedy Judith
Kennedy Alice
Kennedy Thelma
Kennedy Marion
Kennedy Loretta
Kennedy Hazel
Kennedy Annabeth
Kennedy Aoibhe
Kennedy Deirdre
Kennedy Talulla
Kennedy Muriel
Kennedy Orla
Kennedy Nora
Kennedy Finola
Kennedy Moira
Kennedy Maeve
Kennedy Fiona
Kennedy Elva
Kennedy Catriona
Kennedy Brigid
Kennedy Bidelia
I hope that was of some help! Good luck!
My niece is [name]Kennedy[/name] and we all call her Kenz.