Need first names for middle name Seven and last name Li

We couple are from [name]China[/name] and our daughter will born in the US. We are considering to name her with a English style name so that she has less trouble to live here. Our favorite middle name is [name]Seven[/name] (for some reasons of Chinese culture) and her last name is Li (you may think it as [name]Lee[/name]), thus her full name will like “xxxxx [name]Seven[/name] [name]Lee[/name]”. We like classic, elegant but not very popular name. It is plus if the name is somehow related to orient, [name]Asia[/name] or [name]China[/name], but not necessary.

I know making a good name needs deep knowledge about English cultures, so what suggestions you have? The matching first names, or the middle name okay or not? Thank you for any opinions. So do my daughter.

[name]Hi[/name] liliqin! I think it’s very smart of you to want to give your daughter a name that Americans will be able to pronounce without too much difficulty. I think the middle name you’ve chosen is very nice, and will go well with lots of first names.

What do you think of:
[name]Catherine[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Cate[/name])
[name]Margaret[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Maggie[/name])
[name]Victoria[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Evie[/name])
[name]Lillian[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Lily[/name])

Leahmarie512, thank you so much. I love the names you suggested and I know they are all very classic names. You let me know that these names go well with my middle name and last name (that is a challenge for me with limited English). The only issue I am afraid of is they are too common just like some popular Chinese name in [name]China[/name]. Many same names in a class of school. Could you suggest some relative unique (but also elegant and classic) names? I know it is a tough task.

And I am looking forward to other opinions. Thanks.

[name]Allegra[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li ([name]Allegra[/name] means ‘joyful’)
[name]Juliana[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Sydney[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Melanie[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Felicity[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (‘happy’)
[name]Angela[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li

I like the sound of [name]Caitlin[/name] Li (pronounced [name]Kate[/name] [name]Lynn[/name]). I think [name]Evelyn[/name] Li sounds really sweet but [name]Evelyn[/name] rhymes with [name]Seven[/name]. I’ll also suggest [name]Purity[/name]. It’s an old fashioned virtue name that everyone can pronounce and spell but it’s almost never used. I knew a [name]Purity[/name] (very sweet… her name fit her) whose son married a girl named [name]Charity[/name]!

Many thanks to rkrd and wintersage. You let me have so many wonderful choices.

tfzolghadr, you are so professional! You said what I want to know. Actually as to the middle name, we have three choices: [name]Seven[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], and with no middle name. We can not choose the last name. Li is pronounced like [name]Lee[/name] in Chinese. It sounds that [name]Quinn[/name] does not work well Li, for example [name]Juliana[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] Li, how do you think?

You are right that phoenix is a typical symbol in Chinese culture. But name after phoenix is a bit “old style” in [name]China[/name] today. Actually we ever considered [name]Aurora[/name] as first name, but it is not that easy to pronounce for Chinese, even like us who leant English for more than ten years.

[name]Juliana[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] Li is very pretty. Best wishes to your family!

Thank you rkrd. It seems that everybody think [name]Quinn[/name] is better than [name]Seven[/name] as middle name. [name]Quinn[/name] is after my maiden name Qin in Chinese.

I dislike [name]Seven[/name], sorry. [name]Quinn[/name] Li sounds like queenly, if you’re okay with that, I’d say go with [name]Quinn[/name]. I like [name]Juliana[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] Li, btw :slight_smile:
Otherwise, go without mn or choose something completely different.

[name]Michaela[/name] Li
[name]Fiona[/name] Li
[name]Josephine[/name] Li
[name]Cassia[/name] Li
[name]Delphina[/name] Li
[name]Beatrice[/name] Li
[name]Eugenia[/name] [name]Lia[/name]
[name]Vivienne[/name] Li
[name]Alena[/name] Li

I’d have to disagree with some others and say that I think [name]Seven[/name] is a great middle name choice as it honors your daughter’s heritage, especially when you are giving an English first name. I know you said that [name]Quinn[/name] would be honoring your maiden name, but I would choose just Qin over [name]Quinn[/name].

As for more unique, but still classic, names:
[name]Margot[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (a shorter form of [name]Margaret[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Rosie[/name])
[name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li (nickname [name]Ellie[/name])

First; [name]Quinn[/name] is an Irish name, so I suggest you use Qin. I like both [name]Seven[/name] and Qin as a middle name, and whichever you use I’m sure your daughter will appreciate the tie to her culture. Here are some classic names that aren’t too popular:


Thank you, leahmarie512. I like [name]Seven[/name] as middle name although I finally changed mind to go with Qin because Qin is maybe more meaningful.

tfzolghadr, you are right that Qin is 秦 in Chinese. It is always pronounced as /kwin/ here by my friends and colleagues so I considered using [name]Quinn[/name]. Now I choose Qin. You persuaded me.

I am keeping to seek a first name. Actually I like [name]Juliana[/name], as well as other wonderful names those were suggested. However all those name seems same to me. I can not find a special reason to choose one but not others. I can only tell some names “sounds” better with Qin Li but others not. Obviously that is not enough. [name]Do[/name] you understand me? I guess yes. Right? Thank you for any else opinions.

What do you think of
[name]Lara[/name] Qin Li/[name]Lara[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Tara[/name] Qin Li/[name]Lara[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Mira[/name] Qin Li/[name]Mira[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Alanna[/name] Qin Li/[name]Alanna[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li
[name]Miriam[/name] Qin Li/[name]Miriam[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li

Also thought of [name]Sierra[/name] and [name]Diana[/name] for you.

Nature names are a hit here at the moment, so something like [name]Lotus[/name] [name]Seven[/name] Li would fit several trends and still be uncommon, and also have a link to [name]China[/name].

[name]Just[/name] saw you changed to Qin. [name]Lotus[/name] Qin Li is cute too. :slight_smile:

Another idea might be Honor.

Honor Qin Li is really cute. Virtue names like Hope and Faith are long time favorites. Names like Glory and Honor are newer, but still fit the trend.

So glad you are going with Qin as the middle! It will be lovely and beautiful : D. As to picking one name over the other, hmm, a couple thoughts:

  1. [name]Juliana[/name] has historical ties to the month [name]July[/name], which is the 7th month of the year, so there’d still be a tie into seven there. I’m glad you’re not going with [name]Seven[/name] as the middle name by the way. It’s perfectly fine, and I agree no one knows middle names, but a British celebrity [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Beckham[/name] recently named her daughter [name]Harper[/name] [name]Seven[/name], and for some reason it just reminds me of that. Also, it was the title of a horror movie years and years ago - I doubt that many people remember it now, but it did come to mind for me.
  2. [name]Juliana[/name]'s meaning is “young” or “youthful” - is that a good meaning in Chinese traditions? Also, the first syllable of [name]Juliana[/name] will evoke the word “[name]Jewel[/name]” to many people - it’s not unheard of for girls named [name]Julie[/name]/[name]Julia[/name]/[name]Juliet[/name]/[name]Julianne[/name]/[name]Juliana[/name] to go by [name]Jules[/name] (pronounced jewels) as a nickname. So that’s probably a positive association.
  3. I think in general, look for meaning - what is the meaning of Qin? Maybe we can find an English-language name that ties to that?
  4. Or, what name would you pick in Chinese, and maybe we can help you find something with a similar meaning? Then calling her by that Chinese name could be a logical nickname option, or even a logical name to use in some cases in [name]China[/name], even if her main name / legal official name is an English one.

Best wishes!

ninanoo, thank you for your suggested names. We ever considered [name]Diana[/name] but not decided.

And jesba, thank you so much for your explanation of [name]Juliana[/name]. I now love [name]Juliana[/name] more than other names. As to Chinese name we have no idea at this time and we think it may be derived from the English name.

So glad it helped : D!!! Good luck as you continue to consider.