Need names like Jovie

We are expecting our first daughter in 4 weeks and still have no name. I keep coming back to a name a high school friend used on her daughter, [name]Jovie[/name] – which she got from the [name]Will[/name] [name]Farrell[/name] [name]Christmas[/name] movie, Elf. [name]Ever[/name] since I heard this name, I have been enamored with it. The problem is, when I told her how much I liked it, she told me point blank that I could not “steal” it. The thing is, we are not really “friends” we are more friends of friends from a distant past.

Irregardless, I respect her wishes (though would name my baby [name]Jovie[/name] in a heartbeat if this wasn’t the case), because I wouldn’t want anyone taking my exceptionally unique baby’s name either.

So, I wonder – Are there any names like [name]Jovie[/name] that I could get away with using (not a fan of Jovial though)? I like that it’s fun, different, playful, and just plain love the sound of it.


If you had a boy you can use [name]Jove[/name]. [name]Jove[/name] or [name]Jupiter[/name] was the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder. [name]Jupiter[/name] was the chief deity of [name]Roman[/name] state religion.

Here’s a few that I find similar: (note that I usually prefer y endings, but since most of these aren’t very common an -ie ending could be used)












[name]Josie[/name] (nn for [name]Josephine[/name])
[name]Jory[/name]/[name]Jordy[/name] (nn for [name]Jordyn[/name]/[name]Jordana[/name])

Thanks! I think it’s just the sound of the name really. I don’t care about the [name]Christmas[/name] connection. I also love how unique it is, without being over-the-top strange. I do have a preference for having a “v” in names, or names starting with a “v” as well.

What about [name]Jovita[/name] or Joviana with [name]Jovi[/name] as the nickname?

I adore [name]Jovi/name too and got it from the movie Elf too. It’s such a cool and quirky name and I’m surprised that it’s not more popular than it is.

[name]Juno[/name] is the closest name I can think of but that might be too popular?

[name]Rita[/name], [name]Kaia[/name], [name]Cleo[/name], [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Tula[/name], [name]Seren[/name], [name]Nahla[/name] --> just some random ideas.

I’ve always liked [name]Jovie[/name] too, but my aunt has a bird named that so I don’t see myself ever using it either :).
What about [name]Jolie[/name]?

[name]Jovie[/name] is really cute.
It reminds me of [name]Sosie[/name], my favorite nickname for [name]Susannah[/name].

[name]Neve[/name] (NAY-vay)

Sorry for repeats!

[name]Juli[/name]/[name]Julie[/name] ([name]Julianna[/name])
[name]Euphie[/name]/[name]Effie[/name] ([name]Euphemia[/name])

I’m positive some of these are repeats, but these are my favorites for [name]Jovie[/name]-like names:

[name]Juno[/name] ([name]Juneau[/name])
[name]Margo[/name] ([name]Margaux[/name])

Including “V”

Reve (Reh-vee)

[name]Jovienne[/name] is a long-form version of [name]Jovie[/name].

[name]Giovanna[/name] ([name]Jove[/name] ah nah) is a perfect choice because you could call her [name]Jovie[/name] and the other woman sounds like she doesn’t know you well enough to know your child’s nickname. Plus [name]Giovanna[/name] is a it more of a classy name, leaving the cute nickname [name]Jovie[/name] as an alternate option.
If you don’t like [name]Giovanna[/name] i suggest
[name]Viviana[/name] ([name]Vivi[/name])
[name]Jovana[/name] (alternate spelling)

I think that even though [name]Jovie[/name]'s mother is more of an acquaintance if you want to honor her request not to use the name, but you still like the idea of it being a nn I’d suggest looking for a fn mn combo that would allow for that. While I like [name]Jovanna[/name]/ka and [name]Jovita[/name] I feel that they are so close you might as well just use [name]Jovie[/name].
Some suggestions:
[name]Jo[/name]hanna B]Ve[/b]sper or
[name]Jo[/name]sephine Verona ([name]Josie[/name] is a typical nn for Jospehine and little kids do sometimes have a hard time with their s’s. ;))
Juno Vvienne

I know a VERY sweet little girl named [name]Joely[/name]. It’s so cute! It could also be spelled [name]Jolie[/name]. It doesn’t have the “v” sound, but it’s a similar idea.

[name]Evie[/name] ([name]Evangeline[/name], [name]Ever[/name], or [name]Everly[/name])
[name]Josie[/name] ([name]Josephine[/name])

[name]Josephine[/name] (nn. [name]Josie[/name])

[name]Junia[/name] / [name]Juno[/name]

Another way to get [name]Jovie[/name] without “getting” [name]Jovie[/name] is “[name]Jo[/name] V.”

[name]Jo[/name] V.:

[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Julie[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]

Sorry but [name]Jovienne[/name] is not a name despite how nice it sounds, Jovien(ne) is French for [name]Jovian[/name] as in the [name]Jovian[/name] Planets one of which is [name]Jupiter[/name], it’s interchangeable with the word [name]Jupiter[/name] when discussing the planet.

For what it’s worth I wish it was a name because I love the sound of it!

I immediately thought of [name]Whimsy[/name]. Which I realise sounds nothing like [name]Jovie[/name] and doesn’t have a V, but it gives me the same light, magical, happy feel that I get from [name]Jovie[/name] :slight_smile:

Names that have a V … [name]Sylvie[/name], [name]Olivia[/name] ([name]Livie[/name]), [name]Vivianne[/name] ([name]Vivie[/name]). [name]Jovie[/name] reminds me of [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Maisie[/name], and [name]Olive[/name]. [name]Hope[/name] that helps!

I second a pp suggestion of [name]Tova[/name]. I think it is a beautiful name and you could use the nickname Tovie. I just love it! I also love [name]Sylvie[/name] and [name]Vivienne[/name] and [name]Tally[/name]. You might consider [name]Vida[/name] or [name]Veda[/name] too. Good luck!