We are expecting a baby boy in [name]March[/name]. My husband and I have a ton of girl names we love, but we cannot decide on boy name to save our lives!! It’s actually a major chore lately.
Things to consider:
We have a long and very Jewish last name, starts with a W so no W names.
We don’t want anything too common
I am Hispanic and bilingual and would like the name the reflect some of this (not a deal breaker, it would just be nice)
Names on each of our lists so you have an idea of our styles:
Husband - top picks:
[name]Everly[/name] ( after [name]Everly[/name] Brothers)
I worry that the poor child will spends its life correcting people calling him [name]Beverly[/name]! At the same time I love that it’s special to my husband.
My top picks:
[name]Rio[/name] - my husband thinks it’s too short??
BTW, we both used to love the name [name]Lucas[/name], but its become way too popular.
Please help, it becomes an argument each time we discuss names for our baby boy!!
Thank you!!!