Nefeli & Nephele

I really like these names (same meaning, different spellings). I like [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] just in general but I like [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] because in my mind it would be easier to reach the nickname [name_f]Effie[/name_f]. I would pair it with middles that are also more unheard of just like their first :slight_smile: I’m thinking [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] [name_f]Vespera[/name_f] [name_f]Nox[/name_f] right now.

[name_f]My[/name_f] question, do you think the name [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] / [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] would be a little weird in 2021? To me it gives off a very biblical or ancient Egyptian feel, I’m not sure why, and so maybe it would be undesirable to majority of people. I would like to know either way.

And just for fun, what spelling would you choose: [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] or [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] & what middle names would you use?

Ooh [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] is really cool! I can see it working on a girl today!

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Nefeli does make me think of Ancient Egypt while Nephele reads more Greek to me. I think both work in 2021.
For some reason it’s really difficult for me to see Nefeli on a blonde kid, though, because it does feel like a spelling that one would choose to express their Greek heritage (not than there aren’t any blond/e Greek people, but I haven’t come across any in my life).
I like Effie as a nickname.
As for middles, I think I would pick at least one that is a bit more common, though I really love Nefeli and Vespera together. So maybe something like Nefeli Vespera Alice, because it’s a bit too YA protagonist for me otherwise.

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I like them both and think they totally work 2021, [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] is my favorite of them two! :slightly_smiling_face:

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[name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] reminds me of [name_f]Nefertiti[/name_f], while [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] is lovely, but pronunciation versus look of the letters makes [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] quite weird. I would say Nephely or Nephelly makes better idea.

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In the real world, [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f], in theory, [name_f]Nephele[/name_f]!

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I don’t think Nephele/Nefeli would be weird at all! I prefer [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] visually and for ease of pronunciation, and I do think it gets you [name_f]Effie[/name_f] a bit more directly.

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I love both versions and think [name_f]Effie[/name_f] would be a fantastic nickname regardless of spelling. This is my first time encountering the [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] variant, and can see why it feels Egyptian to you (Nefertiti, etc.) [name_f]My[/name_f] knee-jerk reaction was to say I prefer [name_f]Nephele[/name_f] as a more “legitimate” spelling, but [name_f]Nefeli[/name_f] is growing on me by the moment!

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I know she grew on me so suddenly too! I am someone who usually prefers original spelling to variations as well.

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