nevermind, it's a BOY!

Hey Berries!
[name]Just[/name] wanted to thank you SOOOO much for all of your hard work in coming up with a name for [name]Isla[/name]'s little sister. . . but it turns out she’s having a little brother!!! I was so surprised!!
So, his name is

[name]Grant[/name] [name]William[/name]!

Thanks again, you guys are the best!

Gorgeous choice!



No way! I guess your hidden intuition was right…


[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:


Congrats! [name]Grant[/name] [name]William[/name] is a stunning combo.

Congratulations [name]Kelli[/name]!

Congrats, [name]Kelli[/name]! [name]Love[/name] the name [name]Grant[/name] [name]William[/name]!

Congratulations, [name]Kelli[/name]! I [name]LOVE[/name] the name you’ve chosen! :slight_smile:

Take care! :slight_smile:

Did you have an ultrasound and it said it was a girl and then when you delivered it was a boy? Our ultrasound says girl but I had a dream that we were having a boy so Im so confused