[name_m]Pierre[/name_m] [name_m]Jacques[/name_m] Boisclair (52) is the father of [name_f]Liliane[/name_f] and another teenager- who also hates him, probably more than [name_f]Liliane[/name_f] does herself. He used to be a nice man, but fame consumed him slowly and he made impulsive decisions. [name_f]Amelie[/name_f], who was at one time a bright and resourceful woman, soon after the publication of her second book, spiraled into drugs and drinking and partying and now is suffering from a drinking problem- unfortunately the two of them participated in extreme gambling with the book royalties and were forced back into the middle class, into anonymity. [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] lives in [name_u]Paris[/name_u], but he no longer experiences the glamorous nights out and sips of sparkling champagne, as he’s all burnt out and his fifteen minutes of fame are up, and he now lives in a cheap apartment with mold growing in the walls. He and [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] have lost their spark, and she’s decided she no longer respects him as a human being either, and her and her child want out. [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] and Pierre’s child know [name_f]Liliane[/name_f] exists and desperately wants to meet her as they’ve always wanted an older sister. [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] keeps his family afloat by working as a college professor- in [name_m]History[/name_m] ofc. One time he tried to hit on an attractive young woman studying in his class, and she reported him to the office- [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] was not too happy about that- getting Macinday/Durham but [name_u]French[/name_u] vibes here @CherryBomb50 amirite? Cheaters will be cheaters, and [name_m]Pierre[/name_m] has cheated on the so called love of his life multiple times, but [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] is just so burnt out she doesn’t care anymore, not about anything- not even Robespierre. At this point she’s just wasting away as the wife of selfish, narcissistic [name_m]Pierre[/name_m].