New member, need help with girl names!

Hi, I am a new member here and struggling with choosing between two names I really love. Hopefully this poll will help me choose!

  • Amelia Fern
  • Athena Briar

0 voters


[name_f]May[/name_f] I suggest [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u]?


These are both lovely and it was super hard to choose! I went with [name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u], because [name_f]Athena[/name_f] is my #1 favorite name, but you can’t go wrong either way :slight_smile:


I second the suggestion of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u]!


and alternately suggest athena fern :joy:


Oh wow, I’m actually really struggling to choose myself… They’re both gorgeous. In terms of popularity I think I prefer [name_f]Athena[/name_f] because [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] is so popular at the moment, but I love the combination of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f]. I personally prefer [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] to [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], have you thought about [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u]!

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I voted [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] but think I’d actually like the combo [name_f]Anthea[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] even more just because of the popularity of [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] right now. [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] would be super cute as well though.

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[name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u] is lovely!

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I agree that the pairings actually suit each other better. [name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u] seem like much more natural fits in my opinion!

Out of those I’d choose [name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f]. But out of your original pairs I chose [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] because I think it flows nicely, and [name_f]Fern[/name_f] is an unexpected choice next to popular [name_f]Amelia[/name_f].

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Honestly, both are beautiful. I voted for [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_f]Fern[/name_f] only because I think it flows slightly better. The repeated sound in [name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_u]Briar[/name_u] just clunks a little for me.

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My favourite is Athena Briar but I really like Athena Fern

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