For those who have changed their name, how did you choose your new name?
I made a list of names, like someone does when naming a baby. There were some names I had liked for a while and found a few others through research. Then, I narrowed down the list over some time and eventually decided on one. At that point, I began the legal name change process.
The main issue with my original name was popularity, so I wanted a name that was rare. There were also phonetic criteria I had.
I browsed for names that I liked on name sites like this one. Then I tried some of them out in real life, to get a feel of how it would be to go by that name. Some names, my surroundings flat out refused to use for me, and some they liked. I settled on a name that people did use, and that I liked.
When browsing, I thought about what was important for me in a name. For example
- ties to a culture or family history.
- ease of spelling and pronounciation. It’s easier to get people on board with a new name if it is the same difficulty or easier than the old name.
- a common name spelled the common way is better for internet privacy. It makes it harder to search for you. A rarer name will make you easier to find, and is good if you want to be famous or stand out, since you won’t have to compete with others of the same name. Check baby names for the year you were born in your area.
- associations of the name. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you want a religious name? [name_u]An[/name_u] outdoorsy name? [name_u]An[/name_u] academic name? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you want to avoid those? Look for lists in whatever categories you like. Before settling on one, make sure to google the new name (first+last, first+middle, first+middle+last, maybe also middle+last) to make sure there isn’t some horrible person or annoying character that you might get questions about.
- general sounds of the name. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you prefer longer or shorter names? Ones that are vowel heavy? Ones with consonant clusters? Is there a sound that you or someone you love struggle to use?
- do you want a nickname for your new name, or do you want people to only use the new one? Think about nickname options for your name ideas before you settle, and how likely people are to use them.
Overall, good luck!