New Names on Nameberry šŸ’

  1. [name_m]Blues[/name_m], [name_m]Nai[/name_m], [name_m]Irinel[/name_m], [name_f]Sazz[/name_f], [name_f]Arys[/name_f], [name_f]Cielle[/name_f], [name_f]Saturnina[/name_f] and [name_f]Zani[/name_f] are very cool! Iā€™m thrilled to see [name_m]Bento[/name_m].
  2. I saw [name_m]Pipit[/name_m] on Nameberryā€™s homepage and I really adore it!
  3. I would say Stevia. Itā€™s very familiar, easy to spell and pronounce, nature themed and a sweet alternative to [name_f]Stevie[/name_f].

Other names I recently noticed that are missing in the database:
Belo - masculine version of [name_m]Bela[/name_m] / [name_f]Bella[/name_f]
Amando - masculine version of [name_f]Amanda[/name_f]
Rioto - japanese name
Anani - ā€œmy cloudā€ in Hebrew
Liraz (b/g) - ā€œmy secretā€ in Hebrew
Eneida - Aeneid in Portuguese and Spanish
Neusa / Neuza - Meaning and origin are uncertain. Mostly used in [name_m]Brazil[/name_m].
Deusa - ā€œgoddessā€ in Portuguese
Tondra - ā€œthunderousā€ in Esperanto
Leonilde / Leonilda - from germanic origin - ā€œlion in battleā€
Tesna - variant of [name_f]Tesni[/name_f]

@Estrela thank you!! ooh [name_m]Pipit[/name_m] is very cool! Stevia is intriguing! Thank you for all the other names too! I will take a look into them :slight_smile:

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If anyone is interested, there are some more new names (all from berries) in the newsletter this week!


[name_f]My[/name_f] top 2 favs are [name_m]Irinel[/name_m] and [name_m]Keita[/name_m]!

I love -el names for boys but itā€™s so hard to find -el names that donā€™t mean god (el means god in hebrew which seems to be where most el names are derived from) so Iā€™m really happy whenever I find one that isnā€™t derived from Hebrew!

[name_m]Keita[/name_m] will fall right in with names like [name_m]Koa[/name_m], [name_m]Koda[/name_m], [name_m]Kaikoa[/name_m], Sitka (u), and [name_m]Kenai[/name_m] that I really like for boys :blue_heart:

I also like [name_m]Sosa[/name_m], [name_m]Cavidan[/name_m], [name_m]Nai[/name_m], [name_f]Arys[/name_f], [name_f]Saturnina[/name_f], [name_f]Sinikka[/name_f] (I canā€™t help but see Sin tho), [name_f]Zenta[/name_f]

Iā€™m surprised [name_f]Benny[/name_f] wasnā€™t already in the database

[name_m]Can[/name_m] we add Saturninus, Saturna, Saturnalia, Saturnus, Saturnas, Saturno, Saturnine, and Kita? I think Kita can be Japanese or a nn for [name_f]Katarina[/name_f]

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Forgot to look at the rest of the list and this doesnā€™t even touch the rest of the newest names the article linked to. I like [name_m]Aemon[/name_m], [name_f]Arelys[/name_f] (prefer [name_m]Areli[/name_m] or [name_f]Araceli[/name_f] tho), [name_f]Alanneabh[/name_f], Louca, Aureya, [name_m]Eliron[/name_m], [name_m]Kaitoa[/name_m], [name_f]GwenaĆ«lle[/name_f], [name_f]Cloverley[/name_f], [name_f]Cielle[/name_f], [name_f]Corneliana[/name_f], [name_m]Eurion[/name_m], [name_m]Leoluca[/name_m], [name_m]Lomond[/name_m], [name_f]Morgiana[/name_f], [name_m]Rhysand[/name_m], [name_f]Savani[/name_f], [name_f]Pearl[/name_f] (b)

I thought Iā€™ve seen [name_m]Bento[/name_m] (unfortunately, I can only think of the Japanese food when I see this) and [name_m]Cardinal[/name_m] on this site already but maybe it was just in quick poll thread.

Also can we add Nymphadora?

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@KaiLun thank you!!!

Perhaps this will have to be a future list! -el boys names that donā€™t mean god - niche but perhaps Iā€™ll see what I can find :slight_smile:

[name_m]Keita[/name_m] is really cool - itā€™s used in one of my favourite books too :slight_smile:

Me too! Iā€™ve seen Benny/Bennie used as a nickname for [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f] before!

I shall take a look into these!

yeah, I love the idea of [name_m]Bento[/name_m] (and itā€™s said differently to the Japanese food) but I do think where I am it would always be associated with that!

[name_m]Cardinal[/name_m] and [name_m]Bento[/name_m] have been on the site longer than some of the others, but they were added this year!!

I will look into Nymphadora too today

That would be awesome! Iā€™ve seen some like [name_m]Lionel[/name_m], [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m], [name_m]Arwel[/name_m], [name_m]Arundel[/name_m], [name_m]Emiel[/name_m], [name_m]Florizel[/name_m], Enduriel, and [name_f]Oriel[/name_f]. I have also thought of Rivendell and Arendelle from fictional locations and then created Avendell from combining the 2. The last 4 probably seems feminine to most but I tend to like some feminine names like [name_f]Tauriel[/name_f] on boys

Iā€™m thinking while they may have only been added to the database this year, they were probably mentioned in the forums before that, particularly [name_m]Cardinal[/name_m]. I remember someone made a post about [name_m]Cardinal[/name_m] and people were replying with what they thought of (a catholic church role, an American football sports team, or the red bird) and Iā€™m pretty sure this post was over a year ago. [name_m]Just[/name_m] didnā€™t notice the name never showed up as blue.
For [name_m]Bento[/name_m], Iā€™m not as certain as to when I saw it. It was more recent but idk if it was within the last year. I just remember seeing the name and being surprised when I saw the pronunciation

I just found the cardinal thread! Itā€™s from Oct 2021 so itā€™s about 3 years ago



ahh, that makes sense! I think it got added more recently as a celeb used it?

ooh nice - Iā€™ve seen [name_m]Edsel[/name_m], [name_m]Estel[/name_m], [name_m]Adel[/name_m], [name_m]Odell[/name_m], and Redell too! Thank you for these!

[name_m]Cameron[/name_m] [name_m]Diaz[/name_m] named her son Cardinel

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