(New) Teaser Game!

Evander ruined the moment with a loud sneeze. I turned around to see him with his hands in his pockets looking around, apparently unamazed. I rolled my eyes.

next word: sneeze

He was nicer than most of them though; he said bless you when she sneezed. She felt bad for starting to reach for her knife.

Next: bless


Isabel couldn’t help her sense of foreboding when the elder blessed the union. It was like, even then, twenty years before that fateful night, she knew what was coming.

Next: union

(Uh, I had no mention of union, so unite’s gonna have to work.)

" ‘Cause that’s not vague at all,’ [name_m]Damien[/name_m] remarked. [name_m]Bradford[/name_m] snorted. Somehow, in questioning poor little underclassmen, enemies united. What a strange world we live in."

Next word: questioning/question/question

Hey so this is a very stupid question but I don’t really know how this website works. I know how to reply to other peoples post, but I don’t know how to post my own. This is probably really stupid, sorry for asking but I’m just really confused. Thank you!

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Hello, welcome to Nameberry!

Here you can find some information to help you get started. It will show you how to reply to threads, start your own, and how to navigate the site.

If you have any more questions, feel free to drop them in the All About Nameberry forum or PM me! You can do this by clicking on my profile picture and selecting the blue button with an envelope that says Message.

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps!

He shook his head and chuckled with the same condescending tone as a parent responding to a child’s question about how babies are made.

Next: tone

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“Really?” Tahamine asked in a disbelieving tone, turning to look at her husband. “Really? You mean, when I told you Arslan was in surgery on [name_m]Black[/name_m] [name_m]Friday[/name_m], you honestly thought I meant something minor, like his tonsillectomy when he was five?”

Next word: disbelieving/disbelief/disbelievingly

Thank you! This was very helpful.

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What [name_f]Astrid[/name_f] didn’t expect was disbelief. “You’re just doing this to get back together.”
“What?” She didn’t know how else to respond.

next: expect (I think from now on, as long as it contains the root word, it’s fine)

I blinked at him, not expecting him to be so candid. “What did you think I would do? Cut off someone’s hand and not make a pun about it?”

Next: blink

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Angry tears threatened to fall, but I blinked them away.

Next: tears

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He closed his eyes, his dark eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. “I’m so stupid, [name_f]Cleo[/name_f].”
When he opened his eyes, they were glossy, shiny, and fathomless. No, we couldn’t have crying. I had to be strong, I had to be the foundation for everyone, because they needed that. They needed me. Something deep in my chest broke as a tear trailed down his cheek.

Next: fathom

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It was hard to fathom the idea of that chubby toddler growing into a little human. [name_m]Jonas[/name_m] was my last tie to the castle, the only thing that kept me there for so long, even though my aunt hardly let me see him.

Next: toddler

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Lili went over to her baby brother and knelt down to his level. She spoke gently to the toddler. “[name_u]Gilly[/name_u], we need that batter to make pancakes for Mommy’s breakfast. [name_m]Can[/name_m] Big Sis have the bowl, please?” She reached for the bowl and smiled softly at [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m].

Next word: knelt

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The dining room wasn’t dark, but it was very full. They’d not gotten round to moving everything out of it, meaning that there wasn’t too much room to move in. Enough to keep [name_u]Holly[/name_u] from dissolving into a panic attack where she knelt, but not enough to stop her feeling scared. And there was the fact her dad had locked her in there .

Next word: dissolving

She could swear the world was dissolving around her every second. Soon it would just be her standing there and the icy mist soaking into her skin.
next word: icy

The princess watched her friend collapse on the icy tundra, dropping to her knees, yielding the façade she had upheld since the night of the attack. Gone was the stoned-faced assassin. Here sat a broken little girl.

next word: collapse

She whispered into my ear, “All in favor of spraining [name_m]Aharon[/name_m]’s ankle?”
Before I could stop her, she ran forward, kicking [name_m]Aharon[/name_m]’s leg out from under him. As he collapsed to the ground, she skipped back to me, a giddy smile on her face. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now,” she giggled.
Next word: giddy

He was giddy, and more than a little bit nervous. “It’s for you and the baby. Well, I was thinking it could be for you and the baby and me, but I don’t want to pressure you. And I know it’s small, and you’re used to a bigger place, but the neighborhood’s supposed to be great, and-”

Astrid kissed him. “[name_m]Matteo[/name_m], it’s perfect.”

next: kiss

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