Nickname for Evelyn?

We recently had a baby girl and named her [name_f]Evelyn[/name_f]. We have been calling her the nickname [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] but wonder how we should spell it. Since evELYn contains the letters “Ely” should we spell it [name_m]Ely[/name_m] or maybe [name_f]Elly[/name_f]? [name_m]Or[/name_m] should we spell it the more traditional way of [name_f]Ellie[/name_f]? Would love to hear thoughts, thanks so much!

With our little girls we went with the traditional spellings of their nicknames, even though they were less related to the name, we were hoping it would be less hassle for them.

Which generally it is, however when people know their full names they try to alter the spellings of their nicknames to match their full names. (As an example if we used Magnolia nn Maggie, we would’ve spelt it Maggie, but people who knew her name is Magnolia would try to spell it Magie.)

All that to say I would go with the one that feels most right to you because

  1. It’s just her nickname, so it wont be on formal paperwork etc.

2.No matter which way you go someone is going to misspell it

  1. As she gets older if its problematic you (or she) can always change the spelling, because it is just a nickname.
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It’s honestly just depends on what you like more - it’s just a nickname, it’ll probably rarely be written (unless she still decides to go by it in Kindergarten - and even then, people will just spell it the way you ask them to). I would say the easiest way is [name_f]Ellie[/name_f], but if you like [name_f]Elly[/name_f] more - go for it.

I’d say go with which ever you like best! Yes, ‘Elly’ contains the letters, but [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] is more familiar and more likely to be the one people guess, so it might be simpler?

@LibelluleClaire makes some really great points too

Thank you!! The thoughts you shared are so helpful! :slight_smile: I really appreciate your thoughts and input.
@LibelluleClaireIf you don’t mind sharing, what names and nicknames did you give to your daughters?

Their full names are pretty unique, but their nicknames are H0lly & W1nnie

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