We are planning on using Magnolia as a full name, but want to give her a short nickname and we are split between [name_f]Mae[/name_f], [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] and [name_f]Nell[/name_f]. What are everyone’s thoughts?
My biggest concern is giving her a unique name so she never has to use her last initial (which is B.) growing up. I know Oli, Lia and Nola have been thrown out as nicknames for Magnolia, but they don’t quite fit for us.
My name is [name_f]Magnolia[/name_f] and I’ve gone by a mixture of [name_f]Maggie[/name_f], [name_f]Mags[/name_f], and [name_f]Mallie[/name_f] (like [name_f]Molly[/name_f] but with an ah sound) my whole life. I’ve also only ever met one other [name_f]Maggie[/name_f], and never shared a class with one, so I don’t find it that popular for my age range and younger.
From your list, I really love Oli! It sounds really cute for a girl.
Maggie is so sweet and feels like the most natural nn for [name_f]Magnolia[/name_f], imo. But I can honestly see any of the options you listed working well! In a similar vein to [name_f]Maggie[/name_f], you could also do [name_f]Molly[/name_f]/Mollie–the M, o, l, and i are all there!
I love [name_f]Maggie[/name_f]! [name_f]Meg[/name_f] could work probably. Oli/Olly would be sooooo great! [name_f]Nia[/name_f] could be one idea. [name_f]Mally[/name_f] is so cute, and so is [name_f]Molly[/name_f]!