Nicknames for Anne (besides Annie)?

My name is [name]Anne[/name], but I have been called [name]Annie[/name] my whole life (I’m 16). I like [name]Anne[/name] but don’t love it, and [name]Annie[/name] has always sounded childish and too [name]Little[/name]-Orphan or Get-Your-[name]Gun[/name] to me. I’m considering switching to a different nickname, and I’m wondering if you have any suggestions. They can be as creative as you want. My middle name is [name]Teresa[/name] if that helps. Thanks!


I like [name]Nan[/name]. That’s the nn [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables had for one of her twin daughters… [name]Anne[/name] and [name]Diana[/name] ([name]Nan[/name] & [name]Di[/name]) You could also take the “esa” sound of [name]Teresa[/name] and the “n” sound in [name]Anne[/name] and get Nisa or Neesa. I realize the spelling is off but I think it could work. I pronounce [name]Teresa[/name] “tuh-ree-sah”… not sure how you pronounce it.

I’m an [name]Anna[/name]. [name]One[/name] of the fine things about our name is its simplicity. The downside is that there’s not much scope for nicknames.

Personally, I think [name]Anne[/name] is beautiful and stately. [name]Annie[/name] is charming and energetic. And you get to be both.

You could try [name]Anna[/name] or any of the international variations. I’m called [name]Anoushka[/name] by a Russian friend from time to time. But I’m also called [name]Anna[/name]-[name]Banana[/name] and [name]Bo[/name]-Bana-[name]Fana[/name] from time to time. Can’t say I’d recommend those as options.

More seriously, I can see [name]Nan[/name]/[name]Nancy[/name] or [name]Hanna[/name]. I assume you don’t want to abandon [name]Anne[/name] completely and go to [name]Tess[/name] or [name]Terry[/name] or Resa. I suppose you could try to combine the two names somehow, but the best I’ve come up with is Anresa, which I don’t think is even nearly as lovely as [name]Anne[/name] or [name]Annie[/name]. I suppose you could try putting [name]Anne[/name]+T. But that gives you Anti…which is very negative…or Auntie. Which reminds me…to my nieces, I’m Antanna.

Sorry I’ve not been of more help. As I said, I think your name is lovely. And I can say from experience, it wears well, never seems dated. Good luck.

The age old favourite is [name]Nan[/name], and I love it.

I like [name]Nan[/name] a lot, and I like [name]Anya[/name]. They may be too exotic to be easily wearable, but maybe [name]Ninon[/name] (a French diminuitive of [name]Anne[/name]) or [name]Anka[/name] (a Polish diminuitive of [name]Anna[/name])?

[name]How[/name] about [name]Nina[/name]?

And I second [name]Anka[/name], so sweet.

Thank you all for your suggestions! My favourites and the most wearable for me are [name]Anya[/name] and Nisa. I like [name]Nan[/name], but it reminds me too much of a nanny.

@missmolly, it’s encouraging to hear your compliments - thank you! [name]Anna[/name] and [name]Hanna[/name] are out of the question since a number of my close friends have variations of these names. My dad calls me A-N-T, pronouncing each letter, but I don’t see that as a viable option since it sounds so much like Auntie.

I absolutely adore [name]Anneliese[/name], enough to consider changing my name or going by that when I become an adult. I’m also fond of [name]Netta[/name], combining sounds from my names. Thoughts on those?

There’s a very large list of possibilities here:

I’m partial to Annet. It’s the English diminutive of [name]Anne[/name], from way back in the day when English was still influenced by [name]Norman[/name] French. Emphasis is on the [name]ANN[/name], not like the French [name]Annette[/name] where ETTE has the stress. It’s [name]ANN[/name]-et.

I am biased here. [name]Anne[/name] is my all time favorite girls name. It is elegant, simple, and queenly at the same time. Plus [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables is my all time favorite book. Why not use your name as is? Who needs a nickname when you have the perfect name?