Nicknames for April

So… I love the name [name]April[/name]. But if I were actually to call a daughter [name]April[/name], I’d be worried she’d be nicknamed Ape or Apie, which is not classy. So are there any other feasible nicknames? Is [name]Allie[/name] too much of a stretch?

I know this won’t really help, but I know a girl named [name]April[/name]. She’s in a couple of my classes and I know her relatively well. As far as I know though, she only goes by [name]April[/name]. I’ve never heard her being called a nn that was related to her name. I sort of think that [name]April[/name] is just one of those names you can’t really make a nn out of. Besides, the name is cute and short already, does it really need a nn?

I have always loved the name [name]April[/name], but I haven’t known anyone with the name. It’s so pretty and cheerful. A possible nickname is Rilly.

My name is april and my teacher and classmates call me april. The only peoPle that call me apes or apey are my dad or my really close friends… Also some of my friends call me ‘a’ with a ‘long a’ sound. I really have not been called anything other than april in school… I hope this helps… oh and for a year this kid hought my name was amy and called me amy not april if that gives you another nickname idea

Oh oh! I was considering [name]April[/name] for my new name for the longest time!

Nicknames I came up with were:
Aprilotte ([name]April[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name] smoosh. [name]Charlotte[/name] was/is the middle name I was going to use)
Aprileigh ([name]April[/name]-[name]Lee[/name]. I was going to use [name]Leighton[/name] as a middle name at one point)

Oh, writing this post makes me start to love [name]April[/name] all over again…maybe I’ll re-add it to my list.

I’ve known a few girls named [name]April[/name], and they’ve always been called just [name]April[/name].

[name]How[/name] about Rila/[name]Rilla[/name]?

I think Ri Ri is a nice option as a nick name or prily maybe??

Also [name]Allie[/name] is nice as a nick name if that is what you like!

[name]Allie[/name] or [name]Lillie[/name].

The “A” in “[name]April[/name]” skips all the way to the “-il” and makes “[name]Allie[/name]”.
And “Rilly” sounds a little silly to me. So I would skip to “[name]Lillie[/name]”.

The first nickname that I came up with was Prill/Prillie just from reading your post’s title…

My name is [name]April[/name] and I have never been called anything else:) I agree it is a cheerful name, I love it! You could totally get away with Pril/Prillie… which I tried to start using in middle school but didn’t stick:)

hey i know this post is really late by like 2 years but my name is [name_f]April[/name_f] and all my friends call me Preea.

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