Nicknames for Calliope... Please Help!!!

I’m not a fan of [name]Lilo[/name], she was a chain-smoking character on British TV for years so bad connotations - but that’s just [name]Britain[/name].,

What about [name]Calla[/name]? It’s a decent name in its own right…

I thiiiink Opie :smiley:

I think since [name]Calliope[/name] is already four syllables, I would stick to one middle name. [name]Calliope[/name] [name]Violet[/name] is great! And yes, I think [name]Kaia[/name] would totally work as a nickname.

Ooh I do like ynnig’s suggestion of [name]Calla[/name]. So pretty, [name]IMO[/name]!

I’ve known a few Calliopes. [name]One[/name] was very greek and yes she pronounced it “kah lee OH pee” (which I really don’t like at all). Another pronounced it “kah LYE a pee” (which i think it really pretty). Also, the actress [name]Callie[/name] [name]Thorne[/name], her real name is [name]Calliope[/name] but she always went by [name]Callie[/name] at school so I dont know which way she pronounces it.

I love the nickname [name]Allie[/name] for it. I dont like [name]Kaia[/name] as much tho. Seems too trendy.

Believe it or not, some good nn to go for this name (the musical instrument [name]Calliope[/name]) are:
I also like Caya, but it doesn’t seem to make sense to me as a nn. Then again, if it fits for you, it is your kid and it only has to make sense for you and her. Heck, my name is [name]Shannon[/name], yet my dad’s nn’s for me for “Fushi” and “[name]Tata[/name]-Ri”, and my mom called me “Goosy”, so really anything goes for a nickname. Get as creative as you want, cause its a nn, its personalized. [name]Don[/name]'t fret too much over it, cause the nn’s usually come over time and organically. Beautiful name choice too by the way. I had it on my list, but can’t use it as i live in New Orleans where the majority of people pronounce this name incorrectly (they say [name]Calli[/name]-ope, almost like canteloupe, when it should be Cah-lye-oh-pee). We have a rather notorious street and area of town named [name]Calliope[/name] that is mainly the reason for the mispronunciation.

To me, Kaia fits because of this… Kahl-EYE-YAH-pee. The K from the “kahl” sound, the “eye” sound, and the “yah”. K-eye-yah. There’s an interuption in the sound, but my niece’s name is Laila and we call her Lulu. She responds to Lou, Lulu, or Lubelle like it’s her actual name. In fact, I think the only time we call her Laila is when she’s in trouble or we’re really trying to get her attention.

I see something along the lines of the “cal” sound to be the most likely choice of her peers. I like [name]Calla[/name] and [name]Calia[/name] (cal-ee-ah). I think that the pp suggestion of [name]Poppy[/name] could work too which is adorable. I think you’d just have to establish the nickname early on to avoid the nn [name]Callie[/name] if you do not like it.

[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Renee[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Dahlia[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Faye[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Kendyl[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Lake[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] [name]Erin[/name]
[name]Calliope[/name] Seabastia