Nicknames for Cosette?

When I first heard [name]Cosette[/name] (from [name]Les[/name] Mis), I wasn’t a huge fan, but the name is really starting to grow on me. Are there any good nicknames for [name]Cosette[/name]? And what are your opinions on the name? Thanks Berries!

Well, [name]Cosette[/name] is a nickname on itself - in [name]Les[/name] Mis, it’s for Euphrosyne. I think it’s nice enough, even if it sounds a little silly to a French speaker. Personally I wouldn’t use it unless I was really invested in the book and/or [name]Victor[/name] [name]Hugo[/name].

As for nickames: [name]Coco[/name], Cosie, Sette, [name]Ettie[/name], [name]Etta[/name], Cookie…

I’ve always loved the combination of Ophelia Cosette with the nickname Liat.

Liat is the name of Bloody Mary’s daughter in South Pacific

I don’t love [name]Cosette[/name] because I’m not a huge fan of her character and it’s so closely tied. I prefer [name]Colette[/name] by far because that for me has more positive associations. Okay, my issues aside, it is a pretty name and I like a lot of the nickname options…
Setta (might be my favorite?)

i love the name and the nick name cozy :slight_smile:

I’m not a fan of it mainly because I think the character is sort of pitiful but I’ve come to accept that the name just has different connotations in [name]France[/name] but over here why not? The name itself has a nice ring to it and is attached to one of the greatest pieces of literature.

[name]Coco[/name] and Cosy seem logical to me but I guess you could even call her [name]Allouette[/name]. FWIW I believe [name]Cosette[/name]'s name is Euphrasie and not Euphrosyne but it’s been a long time since I read it.

I love [name]Cosette[/name]! [name]Les[/name] Miz is my favorite book and I like the character association. I find [name]Cosette[/name]'s relationship with her adopted father to be touching and I love how she is called the little lark even though she lives such a hard life. So, anyway, the literary background is a positive association for me.