Nicknames for Courtney?

I don’t really like [name]Court[/name] as a nickname, but what else could be a nickname for [name]Courtney[/name]?


Hmm, that’s all I got. Good luck!

I love stassia’s suggestions! Also, at a long shot … Nini? (nee-nee)
Although, I know an American who calls their grandmother this, so that may be common practice over there … in which case probably best to avoid that one!

My cousin is [name]Courtney[/name] and her nn is just [name]Court[/name]. A friend has a daughter [name]Courtney[/name] and her nn is [name]Coco[/name].

I’m not a huge [name]Coco[/name] fan, but [name]Court[/name]'s not great, either. I do love the full name, though.


I know, I didn’t want to suggest [name]Coco[/name], but sometimes it works…
You can have slightly annoying names like [name]Kiki[/name], or Cece.
But I wouldn’t recommend it.

I’m a [name]Courtney[/name], and I’ve always just been [name]Courtney[/name].

i have a niece called [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] and her nickname is [name_m]Corky[/name_m]. I can’t remember how she got it tho :joy:

[name_m]How[/name_m] about [name_f]Tinnie[/name_f]?

I have a cousin with the name. I’ve called her [name_m]Corky[/name_m].