Nicknames for Giacomo

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there!!

Since you all are creative geniuses, anyone have nickname ideas for the name [name_m]Giacomo[/name_m]? [name_f]My[/name_f] husband is Italian and we live in NYC. I’m just thinking [name_m]Giacomo[/name_m] might become a mouthful and other than Giacó (don’t think it does well in the US) and [name_u]Jack[/name_u] (don’t love), can’t think of any NN that might do well here in the States (we do need a name that works well in Italian as well though since we spend our summers there).


Jake perhaps? Giacomo is the form of James/Jacob and I think the sound is similar enough to the beginning of Giacomo to get away with it in the States. You could also go with something derived from the ending like Como, Coco, Mo? Or something related to the first initial like Gigi? Not sure if any of these are really what you’re looking for though!

An Italian nickname I have encountered which is traditionally used for Giacinto but could work for Giacomo is Giaci (JA-chee). I think both Giaci and your suggestion of Giacó could still work in the US, but you might have to correct people on pronunciation. I guess it’s a difficult balance of what works well in Italy vs what works well at home!


And I think [name_m]Giaco[/name_m] would work no problem in NYC


The only [name_m]Giacomo[/name_m] I’ve ever known went by [name_m]Jake[/name_m] :sweat_smile: Also thought maybe [name_u]Gio[/name_u]?

These are all the nns the Giacomos I knew went by:


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I have a friend whose brother’s name is [name_m]Giacomo[/name_m]. They call him Giacky around the house (pronounced Jacky). I think it’s cute.

[name_m]Issac[/name_m] (???)