I really love the name [name]Rosalie[/name] but wouldn’t want my daughter to get stuck with [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Rosie[/name] as a nickname? Any other ideas? I also love the name [name]Rue[/name], is that too far of a stretch for a nickname??
I think [name]Rue[/name] would be a stretch just because if I met her and she said her name was [name]Rue[/name], I would assume that was her name, I would never guess it was short for [name]Rosalie[/name].
My niece is named [name]Rosalee[/name] (still pronounced the same) and it seems like everyone in my family finds some little nickname for her, as well as answering to [name]Rose[/name]/[name]Rosie[/name] she also answers to [name]Rosa[/name], [name]Roe[/name], [name]Lee[/name], [name]Posey[/name] (shortened from [name]Rosie[/name] [name]Posey[/name]), Salee ([name]Sally[/name]) and Alee ([name]Ali[/name]) the last two are from kids in her preschool and it’s very cute also [name]Flower[/name] Pots but that’s just a family thing, when she was younger and you asked her what he name was she would sometimes sing ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’ and laugh it was super cute I really don’t think there are any other nicknames that would connect with the name