Nina the grown-up

[name]How[/name] do you picture a [name]Nina[/name]? Not as a little girl but as an adult? Who is she?

I picture a sorta mysterious, sorta artsy, intelligent and confident woman. I don’t have trouble picturing this as an adult or child!

I picture someone spunky and fun loving!

Thank you for your responses. Anyone else?

I picture a dark haired beauty with lots of self confidence.

I see [name]Nina[/name] as someone who is quiet but confident. She also sounds really friendly and caring, someone I would love o be friends with.
I think [name]Nina[/name] is a great name because it is perfect for any age :slight_smile:

I’m a grow up [name]Nina[/name]. I think it fits great for a little girl and a grown up. As for me, I always wished I had a longer name growing up and a not so common as well. Growing up in Europe I new a lot of [name]Nina[/name]. However since moving to the US I have never met another [name]Nina[/name]. Usually ppl ask me if [name]Nina[/name] is a nn for another name.
So I picture a [name]Nina[/name] as smart educated, confident and intelligent woman.

Thank you for insight, [name]Nina[/name]! Would you mind if I ask you where you’re from? I’m looking for a name that works in the US, Europe and Latin [name]America[/name]. Also, has anyone in the US ever asked you how [name]Nina[/name] is spelled or pronounced?



[name]Don[/name]'t mind answering your questions at all. A few people ask me how to spell [name]Nina[/name] and how to pronounce the name. For the most part though everyone spell it correctly and pronounces(Nee-na) it correctly as well. A few people pronouce it like the number nine, except with an ‘a’ at the end.

I grew up in Germany, but I’m an American. The name [name]Nina[/name] is quite common in Germany, it would be the equivalent to [name]Nicole[/name] here in the US.

Whenever I ever I speak to clients on the phone, typically it is assumed that I’m Russian or Persian. [name]Hope[/name] this helps.


[name]Don[/name]'t mind answering your questions at all. A few people ask me how to spell [name]Nina[/name] and how to pronounce the name. For the most part though everyone spell it correctly and pronounces(Nee-na) it correctly as well. A few people pronouce it like the number nine, except with an ‘a’ at the end.

I grew up in Germany, but I’m an American. The name [name]Nina[/name] is quite common in Germany, it would be the equivalent to [name]Nicole[/name] here in the US.

Whenever I ever I speak to clients on the phone, typically it is assumed that I’m Russian or Persian. [name]Hope[/name] this helps.

It’s very helpful – thank you!