What does everyone think of the nn [name]Kitty[/name]? Cute or silly?
I discussed names with my mum the other day (which I never do!) and although I didn’t give away my fav names (keeping those to myself for now!), she told me she loves [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Harriet[/name] (both already on my long list) and [name]Kitty[/name]. [name]Kitty[/name] was also my grandmother’s sister’s name (short for [name]Kathleen[/name]).
[name]Kitty[/name] is a bit too nick namey for me on its own but I do love it. I also love [name]Katherine[/name] (which was my great grandmothers name, [name]Kitty[/name] was her eldest daughter) but it’s a little too popular for me.
Could [name]Katalina[/name] or [name]Katerina[/name] nn [name]Kitty[/name] work? Or how about [name]Karina[/name] nn [name]Kitty[/name]? I know that’s even more of a stretch but all the names are forms of [name]Katherine[/name]. My mum’s name is [name]Karen[/name] so I like the K spellings, and also [name]Claudia[/name]'s top of my list and I don’t want to repeat initials, so although I prefer the [name]Catalina[/name] spelling I wouldn’t use it.
Look forward to your honest feedback as to what you think of [name]Kitty[/name], which of the possible full names you prefer, and if you think [name]Kitty[/name] can work as a nn for any of them
I say any variation of [name]Katherine[/name] could work for [name]Kitty[/name]. [name]Katalina[/name], [name]Katerina[/name] and [name]Karina[/name] all seem fine to me!
Which of the names do you personally prefer? I like all 3.
I love that [name]Karina[/name] seems really sweet and unpretentious and that it’s the closest to my mum’s name ([name]Karen[/name]), but it is the one that feels least natural with the nickname [name]Kitty[/name].
I love [name]Katalina[/name] the most and it has been a favourite for a long time, but I worry that the K looks like a trendy spelling of [name]Catalina[/name] and that the name is a bit too frilly. Then again next to [name]Mirabelle[/name] and [name]Penelope[/name] I guess it’s fine! Lol.
[name]Katerina[/name] is the closest to [name]Katherine[/name], which is the most commmon full name for the nn [name]Kitty[/name] so I like that, but I’ve only just started considering the name so I can’t say I love it yet but it’s growing on me. Hmmm!
Hmm. Well. Honestly, and this may just be a younger generation thing, or maybe just an American thing (I assume you are from the UK because you said mum?) but [name]Kitty[/name] is a pretty common nickname for a girl’s…private area. I asked my husband what the first thing he thought of when he heard the name [name]Kitty[/name] and that was it. I am not sure if thats even a problem in the UK but the potential for teasing and bullying would be enormous here and I couldn’t do it.
[name]Kitty[/name] is a pretty cute nn for [name]Katherine[/name]. If you want a “K” name, I would go with [name]Katharina[/name] which was used by [name]Shakespeare[/name] and is also the [name]German[/name] spelling of [name]Katherine[/name]. I think it’s a very classy spelling. [name]Remember[/name] [name]German[/name] skater [name]Katharina[/name] [name]Witt[/name] winning Olympic gold? [name]Katalina[/name] looks misspelled to me and [name]Karina[/name] lacks substance next to your other names and sounds similar to [name]Claudia[/name]. Other options are [name]Katia[/name]/[name]Katya[/name] (too similar?), [name]Karenna[/name], [name]Katalin[/name] (Hungarian for [name]Katherine[/name] and pronounced KAWT-aw-leen ), [name]Katrina[/name] or Katriel. [name]Hope[/name] that helps!
I think that [name]Kitty[/name] is a fairly terrible nickname. It sounds incredibly childish and old-fashioned in the not-good way. There are so many lovely nicknames one could use for [name]Kathleen[/name], [name]Katherine[/name], [name]Katerina[/name], etc. that sound so much better to my ears, at least.
@ [name]Texas[/name] [name]Willow[/name], thanks for the heads up but I don’t think it’s a huge problem this side of the pond! [name]Minnie[/name] and [name]Fanny[/name] would run into MANY more problems lol. [name]Kitty[/name] as a name itself is actually in the top 200 names here so I think it’d be fairly safe to use, and since I would only use it as an occasional nick name, she could always drop it if it did become a problem or she moved to the US or something. Or shorten it to [name]Kit[/name]. Thanks for the thought though
@ [name]Mischa[/name], [name]Katharina[/name] is lovely. Is is pronounced kath-a-rina or kat-a-rina? I did consider [name]Katia[/name] but my partner isn’t a fan (reminds him of [name]Cartier[/name] watches!), I’m not a fan of [name]Katrina[/name], [name]Katalin[/name] would cause too many pronunciation problems and looks too close to my sister [name]Caitlyn[/name]'s name and Katriel is only one letter away from a close friends name. [name]Karenna[/name] is cute though so I’ll think about that one thank you
@ hayleys aunt - I appreciate your opinion but I certainly don’t think it’s terrible since it was my great-aunt’s name! [name]Kate[/name], [name]Kat[/name] and [name]Katie[/name] are just too common for me and I really don’t like [name]Rina[/name], [name]Trina[/name] or Kath and find them dated. I love [name]Lina[/name] and if I used [name]Katalina[/name] that would likely be used as the main shortening of her name with [name]Kitty[/name] as an occassional childhood nick name. 279 babies in the UK were called [name]Kitty[/name] in 2009 ranking the name at number 189, and there were also a few [name]Kitty[/name]-[name]Rose[/name]'s and a few Kitties so I guess quite a few people like the name here but maybe it’s not ready for a comeback in the states yet! Thanks for your input though
[name]Katharina[/name] is pronounced kah-tah-[name]REE[/name]-nah. I think it has an exotic, European flair with a bundle of elegance thrown in. I think it’s gorgeous. Gosh, was I gushing? :shock: I just thought of another rare name for which you can use the nn [name]Kitty[/name]: Kateri. It’s an Iroquois Native American name pronounced kah-TEH-ree. I also know of some girls who pronounce it “ka-TEER-ee” , “KAH-ter-ee” or “ka-terry” so it’s pick-which-one-you-like-best time". There was a saint named Kateri Tekakwitha who was beatified by the late Pope [name]John[/name] II. According to the BabyName [name]Wizard[/name] website, she was a Native American who was the daughter of a Catholic Algonquin mother and Mohawk father. She is also known as the [name]Lily[/name] of the Mohawks, The [name]Flower[/name] of the Algonquin, and the Mystic of the Wilderness. Her face had been scarred at a young age from illness, but on her deathbed her skin suddenly became clear and beautiful. I love these stories, don’t you? I think it has a lovely soft sound to it.
[name]Kitty[/name] is very cute, but also classic somehow (maybe the Pride and Prejudice association?). And yes, it works well as a nickname for any of the names you listed. Congratulations
First of all I agree with the [name]Minnie[/name] and [name]Fanny[/name] comment! Warned a friend from the States that she’s not to refer to a bum bag as a [name]Fanny[/name] Pack when she’s travelling because people will die laughing :lol:
I actually love [name]Kitty[/name] as a name in it’s own right. I have a friend who’s a totally artsy, bohemian laid back lady and her name is [name]Kitty[/name]. Her given name is [name]Katherine[/name] but she hates it and says as far as she’s concerned that’s not her name and never has been since she’s always been [name]Kitty[/name] to everyone. I was going to say [name]Catriona[/name], because I like the subtle difference in pronunciation to [name]Katrina[/name], but since you’re into the K I guess that’s out!
I quite like [name]Karina[/name] because it honours your mum.
I also like [name]Mischa[/name]'s suggestion of Kateri, although you might have to be careful that simple people such as myself don’t prn it “Cattery.”
I have quite a burning dislike for [name]Kat[/name]. [name]Every[/name] single one I’ve ever met has been mad. (apologies if anyone called [name]Kat[/name] is reading this and is the exception)
I’d just go for straight up [name]Kitty[/name] by itself!
[name]Hi[/name] again [name]Lauren[/name] Thanks for commenting on my posts!
Loved the comments re fanny packs! I still feel taken aback if I ever hear that phrase on an American tv show or in an American film lol. Like, “are they really allowed to say that?!” hehe.
I always thought that [name]Catriona[/name] and [name]Katrina[/name] were pronouned the same so that’s interesting! What’s the difference exactly or is it hard to explain on paper?
I think Kateri would be out for that exact reason. [name]Every[/name] time I read it I say cattery lol. And I think too many other people would too, but it is a lovely name when said correctly.
It’s funny you said that about the name [name]Kat[/name]. I’ve had two VERY negative experiences with girls called [name]Kat[/name]/[name]Cat[/name]! One was a [name]Katherine[/name] and one a [name]Catrin[/name] but for some reason it hasn’t ruined “[name]Cat[/name]” names for me.
At the moment I’m leaning towards [name]Katalina[/name] because I like both the nn’s [name]Lina[/name] and [name]Kitty[/name]. Maybe [name]Lina[/name] as the name we’d call her most of the time and [name]Kitty[/name] as a cute family nick name. [name]Katherina[/name] and [name]Katerina[/name] are still possibilites though. I’m going to run them by my partner later and see which he prefers. I know he’s liked [name]Catalina[/name] in the past (though his opinions often change! grrr) but I’ve never run the other names past him.
I love that [name]Karina[/name] honours my mum too but I feel that [name]Kitty[/name] is too much of a stretch as a nickname, and I’m not keen on [name]Kari[/name] or [name]Rina[/name] so I think it’s out.
Wait, what is minnie slang for? Why did [name]Becky[/name] Bloomwood name her daughter [name]Minnie[/name] in the Shopaholic series if it’s a negative British slang term? So many questions!
(Sorry to hijack. [name]Kitty[/name] does have sort of naughty connotations to me, but again, I am in the US so I guess that isn’t a problem for you!)
I don’t see any problems with [name]Kitty[/name] as a name, I have a friend who called his daughter that and it’s not short for anything - it’s her given name.
Personally I’d link it to being short for [name]Katherine[/name]. Then if she grows up into not being a [name]Kitty[/name] at all she could be called [name]Katie[/name]. [name]Just[/name] an idea!
[name]Hi[/name] Phoebesmom, well when I was a child, I was taught to call lady parts a “min” or a minnie lol. I’ve never watched Shopaholic so I have no idea about that!
In the UK in 2009 there were 60 [name]Minnie[/name]'s born (ranking 621) as opposed to 279 [name]Kitty[/name]'s (ranking 189) and zero [name]Fanny[/name]'s! Lol. The reason I think [name]Minnie[/name] would still be used as a name here is that it’s a bit more of an “innocent” word to me anyway. It’s more the name that children use for those parts, whereas [name]Fanny[/name] comes across as a dirtier more adult word. Also there’s the [name]Minnie[/name] Mouse association which may help in this case.
Yeah traditionally I’d say it’s a nn for [name]Katherine[/name] but both [name]Katherine[/name] and [name]Katie[/name]/[name]Kate[/name] are a bit too popular for my taste. That’s kind of why I like [name]Katalina[/name] though, because then if she gets fed up of being a [name]Kitty[/name], she can be a [name]Lina[/name] or a [name]Kat[/name]
I’m really liking [name]Katharina[/name]. That’s very pretty and sophisticated. I personally prefer the nn [name]Kat[/name], but I read that you had some negative experiences with that name. I do think [name]Kitty[/name] is cute for a toddler, though. =]
ljandrl said:
I always thought that Catriona and Katrina were pronouned the same so that’s interesting! What’s the difference exactly or is it hard to explain on paper?
Erm, yeah it is kind of hard to explain on paper! I had a Scottish friend called [name]Catriona[/name] and it was pronounced cat-tree-uh-nuh…Hm. There’s a little extra syllable. She let everyone pronounce it like [name]Katrina[/name] though, because most simple kiwis couldn’t get it right!
It’s a subtle difference but I always liked it - it’s kind of like [name]Catriona[/name] had a secret haha
When I hear [name]Katalina[/name] all I think of is the [name]Catalina[/name] islands! And also Catamarans… But I do like how you can get [name]Lina[/name] out of it as well!