Nursing Strike?

Hello momberries-

[name_m]Night[/name_m] before last, my 9 week old EBF baby started refusing the breast. Fortunately he is accepting bottles of expressed breastmilk, but I would really like to get him back to nursing. I feel like I have tried everything! He will nurse just fine for dream feeds, nursed fine while awake last night before bed, nursed fine once this morning while wide awake, but it seems that he is back to refusal. I have cut out dairy as of yesterday (though he doesn’t seem to have any other symptoms of milk protein allergy I thought I would give it a try), try to make the room as relaxing and distraction free as possible for feeds, I use his favorite nursing positions, make sure he is calm beforehand etc. I have zero idea what has caused this ‘strike’- he doesn’t have a fever, cough, or runny nose. My only theories are a.) that it was caused by the onesie he wore day before yesterday; it had been washed before he wore it, but when I went to change him it had stained his neck, arms, and legs blue. Could he be having a reaction to the dye? b.) He maybe has reflux/sore throat? He does spit up every now and again but not very much. c.) My letdown is maybe too forceful? This seems the most likely to me, but I have no idea how to remedy this so I haven’t really been able to test whether or not that could be the cause for the refusal. [name_m]Prior[/name_m] to to this ‘nursing strike’ he HAD seemed upset during letdowns, pulling off and crying a little. No he just arches away from me and cries when I attempt to put him on the nursing pillow and bring him to the breast :frowning:
Has anyone else dealt with something like this? If so, what was the cause of the issue? [name_m]How[/name_m] did you resolve it? Could this be a nursing strike ? [name_m]How[/name_m] would I make my letdown more gentle/less forceful? I don’t think I have an oversupply. He doesn’t have tongue or lip tie etc. He was a great eater prior to this and gaining plenty of weight- he was born 9.9 lbs and now weighs almost 16 lbs. I don’t think he has thrush, he doesn’t seem to have white spots/residue anywhere in his mouth. If anyone has any advice/suggestions, or has gone through a similar situation, I would be so grateful to hear from you! We will be calling the lc tomorrow.


Sorry to hear you are having some difficulties. I have always found this website great for breastfeeding issues or questions -Help -- My Baby Won't Nurse! •
Also, before putting baby to the breast, try to hand express some of the milk away so the letdown is not as forceful. Good luck! [name_m]Just[/name_m] keep persisting and offering the breast and baby will nurse again soon.

@bebe83 Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile: I will give kelly mom a gander! I have tried expressing beforehand, but it doesn’t really help since he won’t latch on at all to begin with, unfortunately :confused: ty for the suggestion, though!

[name_m]How[/name_m] is it going now yuma? Have you been in contact with a lc? Any chance you have started a new medication that could have affected the taste of your milk?

Also, just another thought. You could try a breastfeeding vacation (staying in bed skin to skin all day with your baby) or laid back nursing? Lying back a bit will help the milk not come so fast.

@bebe83 he actually has been taking to the breast most of the time today. I have an appt with a lactation consultant tomorrow! And no, I’m not taking any meds besides prenatal vitamins which I have been taking since pregnancy. I am a full time SAHM so fortunately we have been able to get plenty of skin-to-skin! I have also been trying leaning back when he has latched today and he seems to be eating well(though pretty briefly for him and typically only on one side) so maybe it is helping! Thanks for checking in :slight_smile: I will post an update here tomorrow after our appointment

So glad to hear things are getting better, will look forward to hearing your update :slight_smile:

@bebe83 we had our appointment with the lc today! She seems to think that it is reflux, paired with a forceful letdown and possibly over supply. She showed me a few different “laid back” nursing positions and he latched RIGHT AWAY! I was so happy. He still needs to go to the ped but glad to have made some progress!

Wonderful news! I’m glad the laid back positions are working well for you both. Good luck with the ped xx

lc are a godsend. We had nursing issues with our 3rd who had jaundice followed by breastmilk jaundice as well as a tongue tie so we love them. You might consider trying a nipple shield to slow down your flow if you continue to have issues. You will eventually have to wean baby off of them (we didn’t have a problem with this but some babies/mums do). [name_m]Just[/name_m] an option if a forceful letdown continues to be an issue.

Well, disappointed to say, he has still not been successfully nursing. He hardly accepts any food at all from a bottle. The soonest we can see the pediatrician is [name_f]Tuesday[/name_f], im feeling very worried and anxious and run ragged from the lack of sleep. He only nurses during dream feeds or while he is super sleepy/waking up from a nap and i don’t know how much he is getting. He has had 6 ounces total from the bottle today. I feel like taking him to the ER :frowning: it seems like if anything this is getting worse. He always seems hungry when awake but wont eat. Nothing i am doing is helping. He has been sleeping a lot. I have no idea what else to do…

Does he have wet and dirty nappies? If he is still having wet/dirty nappies that’s a good sign. If the amount has drastically reduced, I would see a doctor. Also, check his fontanelle (soft spot on his head). If it appears sunken, that’s a sign of dehydration. If so, go to ER immediately. Some babies are a bit lazy and would prefer to take a bottle over breast as it is easier for babies to get milk from a bottle than a breast but this doesn’t seem the case for your little one as he won’t take the bottle either. I would trust your instincts. If they say go to ER, then go. You know your baby best. I’m sorry you are having a rough time and sleep deprivation makes everything worse xx

Thought I should post an update: we didn’t end up going to the ER. I think I was just letting anxiety get the best of me. We are doing better w/ the nursing, though I suspect he isnt eating quite enough still, but at least things are on the up & up! @bebe83 thanks for sticking with me and for all of the thoughtful advice!