Oberon nicknamed Obie

My sister told me about friends of hers who recently named their son [name]Oberon[/name] and they call him ‘[name]Obie[/name]’ for short. WDYT?

I love the name [name]Oberon[/name]!!! but isn’t an [name]Obi[/name] a Japanese sash? Also, when I hear [name]Obie[/name], I think OB, like Obstetrician. But, I guess there aren’t many nickname options for [name]Oberon[/name]!

[name]Obie[/name] Wan Kenobi- cool if you love [name]Star[/name] Wars, and that kid will get a lot of that growing up.

[name]Obie[/name] is an adorable nickname! I know a guy named [name]Obie[/name] - just [name]Obie[/name] - and he wears it very well.

I adore the name [name]Oberon[/name]/[name]Auberon[/name]. I thought about using the nn [name]Bear[/name].

[name]Auberon[/name]/[name]Oberon[/name] nicknames: [name]Auburn[/name], [name]Bear[/name], [name]Ron[/name], [name]Obie[/name].

There are plenty of names to suit various stages of life.

“[name]Obie[/name]” will either grow to love his nickname or be taunted and choose another nickname derived from [name]Oberon[/name] to fly under the radar.
I would have gone with [name]Bear[/name] as a child and perhaps [name]Ron[/name] during teenage years.

[name]Obi[/name] means ‘heart’, look it up in the database :slight_smile:
It’s very sweet and I really like it, but there’s the belt thing and the [name]Obi[/name] Wan Kenobi connection.
I too would use [name]Bear[/name] for [name]Oberon[/name]/[name]Auberon[/name], like @natural ^^

I love the name [name]Oberon[/name], but as soon as i heard [name]Obie[/name] i thought of [name]Obi[/name] Wan Kenobi. I guess the child will either love or hate the connection as they’ll hear a lot of it if they keep the nn. Like others have said i myself would use [name]Bear[/name] or [name]Ron[/name]

I love the name [name]Oberon[/name]! [name]Obie[/name] is a cute nn :slight_smile: I dislike the nn [name]Ron[/name]. I like [name]Obie[/name] and [name]Bear[/name].

I don’t know if any of you have seen the show Supernatural, but they reference [name]Oberon[/name] as ‘king of the fairies’ that mortals are taken to service.

I don’t think I’d like it anyway, but combined with that, I dislike it. It sounds very [name]Star[/name] Wars sci-fi to me.

I don’t know if I would ever use [name]Oberon[/name], but I like it. I think that the Midsummer [name]Night[/name]'s [name]Dream[/name] association is always going to override any other cultural associations. [name]Obie[/name] is a bit [name]Obi[/name]-Wan Kenobi and a bit the villain from the first Iron [name]Man[/name] movie to me (I haven’t seen it in a while, but my recollection is that he was [name]Obadiah[/name] called [name]Obie[/name]), but I think that I like it. I don’t see why it should be any less wearable than [name]Toby[/name], which I love.