Obscure and Interesting Virtue Names

Tired of common virtue names like [name_f]Grace[/name_f], [name_f]Faith[/name_f], or [name_f]Hope[/name_f]? Want a cool virtue name for a son perhaps? I got you covered with some undiscovered virtue and word names, including from places such as Medieval times, Puritan times, words from other languages and cultures, obscure Biblical beauties, and much more!

Abstinence (Nicknames could be [name_u]Abbey[/name_u] or Nancy)
Abundance (Nicknames could be [name_u]Abbey[/name_u], [name_f]Bunny[/name_f], or Bonnie)
[name_f]Believe[/name_f] (Nicknames could be [name_f]Belle[/name_f], [name_u]Lee[/name_u], [name_f]Lili[/name_f], or Eve)
Blessed/Blessing (Lessie could make a cute nickname)
Confidence (Nicknames could be [name_u]Connie[/name_u] and Fifi)
Content (Conner could be a nickname for males, [name_u]Connie[/name_u] for females)
Deliverance (Nicknames could be [name_u]Del[/name_u], [name_m]Deli[/name_m], [name_f]Liv[/name_f], [name_f]Livvy[/name_f], [name_f]Vera[/name_f], and Ancie)
Diligence (Gence could make a cool nickname!)
[name_u]Experience[/name_u] (Exie and [name_u]Peri[/name_u] could make unique nicknames!)
[name_f]Fidelity[/name_f] (Nicknames could be [name_f]Fifi[/name_f], [name_u]Del[/name_u], or Delie)
Freelove (For you hippie flower children out there!)
[name_f]Gracious[/name_f] (An interesting alternative to the mega popular Grace)
Humanity (When you run out of ideas when naming your human child)
[name_f]Imagination[/name_f] (Ima, [name_f]Maggie[/name_f], [name_f]Gina[/name_f], and [name_u]Nat[/name_u] are all cool nickname choices)
Independence (Indie and [name_u]Penny[/name_u] could make good nicknames! I see this name working for [name_u]July[/name_u] babies and patriotic parents.)
Jubilation (A fresher take on names like [name_u]Jude[/name_u] or [name_f]Judy[/name_f]. Not to mention Jubie and [name_m]Lay[/name_m] could make very quirky nicknames!)
[name_m]Knowledge[/name_m] (Ledge and Knolly could make interesting nicknames.)
[name_u]Loyalty[/name_u] (Lolo could be a nickname for boys, while [name_f]Lola[/name_f] could be good for girls!)
[name_f]Mercy[/name_f] (Cici could add some spunkiness to this gentle name!)
Mindwell (For you nerdy or academic name lovers out there!)
[name_u]Promise[/name_u] (Missy could add some causality to a strong name such as this)
[name_f]Providence[/name_f] (My personal favorite, reminds me of the song by Poor Man’s Poison)
[name_u]Reason[/name_u] (Cashing in on the trendy “son” ending names!)
[name_f]Rejoice[/name_f] (A more unique take on [name_f]Joy[/name_f] or Joyce)
Reliance (Rel, [name_f]Lia[/name_f], and Ancie could make good nicknames!)
Remembrance (Nicknames could be [name_u]Remy[/name_u], Meme, Embra, and Ancie)
Riches (A fresh take on the classic Richard)
Tenacious (Tenny, Ten, and [name_m]Nace[/name_m] could make cool nicknames!)
[name_u]Truth[/name_u] (A lovely alternative to the classical Ruth)
[name_u]Victory[/name_u] (A fresher take on [name_m]Victor[/name_m] or Victoria)

Names that aren’t exactly “lost” or “archaic” but certainly rare.

[name_f]Amity[/name_f] (The cartoon “The [name_u]Owl[/name_u] House” may have brought this name back in the public eye)
[name_f]Liberty[/name_f] (Bert could be a boy’s nickname, [name_f]Libby[/name_f] could be a girl’s)


oh my. many of these names are just. oh my

victory is cool, though! it’s similar enough to victor & victoria to work, imo


These are so cool! I don’t know how usable some of them are but they are neat read! I love to read (historical/ historical fiction being some of my favorite genres) and do family history research, so I’ve seen some of these before! I know an [name_f]Amity[/name_f] and Temperance…Temperance “Tempi” was actually on our short list for awhile!

I really like Reliance, Remembrance, [name_f]Mercy[/name_f], Steadfast and Deliverance. I’d also add [name_f]Patience[/name_f] and [name_f]Obedience[/name_f].

Isn’t it sort of funny that these names seem weird to us but they used to be “normal”?!

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[name_f]Fidelity[/name_f], [name_f]Mercy[/name_f], [name_f]Liberty[/name_f], [name_u]Sincere[/name_u], [name_f]Temperance[/name_f], Tobel, and [name_u]Victory[/name_u] really jump out to me.

I’d also like to suggest [name_f]Serendipity[/name_f] or [name_f]Sincerity[/name_f] as a little bit of an “out there” suggestion :slight_smile: and I also really like [name_u]Justice[/name_u] which is one I don’t hear used much.


I know a Believe in real life (who only goes by Believe) and it fits her beautifully! Such an underrated gem in my opinion :slightly_smiling_face:

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[name_f]Virtue[/name_f] names are not usually my style but I’ve been absolutely loving [name_f]Amity[/name_f] lately! Totally thanks to the character in The [name_u]Owl[/name_u] House. I especially love that I disliked almost all virtue names my entire life and it’s a little lesbian witch that made me fall in love with one. :blush:

I also quite like [name_u]True[/name_u], [name_u]Honor[/name_u], and [name_u]Wisdom[/name_u] as middles, and I love [name_m]Prosper[/name_m] but it feels too religious for me.

I nominate [name_f]Savvy[/name_f] as another uncommon virtue name! It’s another favorite of mine.


I always have loved [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] so that one isn’t new to me but Remembrance, Lovejoy, Freelove, [name_u]Freedom[/name_u], and Mindwell were cool add ons to my list!

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I enjoy some virtue names, especiallyin the middle. A few have pleasant sounds, and nice meanings. I generally like ones that aren’t too religious (as I’m not), not used to regularly in every day conversation, and/or with other associations I like. [name_m]Prosper[/name_m], [name_f]Verity[/name_f], [name_f]Amity[/name_f] (also because of The [name_u]Owl[/name_u] House), [name_f]Constance[/name_f], Bravery/Brave, [name_u]Noble[/name_u], and Valour are my favourites. There was also a really cool girl called [name_f]Clemency[/name_f] at my school who made me appreciate it more, although it does feel a tad too religious still.

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I think [name_u]Valor[/name_u], [name_m]Prosper[/name_m] and [name_f]Honour[/name_f] are great boy virtue names. I really like [name_m]Prosper[/name_m] it has a nice sound.

For girls I’ll be using [name_f]Verity[/name_f] if I ever have a daughter but I love

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Many of these names are very “oh my” indeed!

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I love name history and historical names as well! :slight_smile:

I don’t see [name_f]Obedience[/name_f] really working nowadays since many people could misinterpret it as a sexist name and obedience isn’t as valued as it once was in this time of protests and “uniqueness”.

Funny indeed!

[name_f]Serendipity[/name_f] and [name_f]Sincerity[/name_f] are lovely choices!

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It’s a lovely take on other “Eve” names like [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u], [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f], or [name_f]Eva[/name_f].

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Yeah, my girlfriend adores the [name_u]Owl[/name_u] House. I just find it okay. The characters are good but it’s the writing that loses me.

Many virtue names are religious in nature, but I tried my best to be universal with my choices. (I dunno, [name_m]Prosper[/name_m] could be good for Trekkie parents!)

[name_f]Savvy[/name_f]? Interesting choice!

[name_f]Glad[/name_f] to help, [name_f]Janey[/name_f]!

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Many of your choices are very beautiful!

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[name_f]Lovely[/name_f] picks!

I agree with the previous posters, some of these aren’t extremely realistic, but all are very interesting!

[name_u]Freedom[/name_u], [name_u]True[/name_u] and [name_f]Liberty[/name_f] are all on my list of names I’d consider irl.

I wonder if [name_u]Divine[/name_u] would suit this list?

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[name_u]Divine[/name_u] is lovely! Like a feminine alternative to [name_u]David[/name_u].

these are so cool, I love so many of them, especially as middles

[name_u]Blessing[/name_u], Independence, [name_f]Mercy[/name_f], and [name_u]Promise[/name_u] are my favorites !

also, when I was younger one of my best friends was named [name_f]Temperance[/name_f] and went by Tempi

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