Expecting our third son in [name]June[/name]. His brothers are [name]Tobin[/name] [name]Grady[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] [name]Liam[/name]. The meaning is VERY important. The middle name will be [name]Kyle[/name] after my father.
Zephan (shortened from [name]Zephaniah[/name])
Aww, my son’s name is [name]Kyle[/name]! Your boys’ names are very handsome. [name]Abram[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] is my favorite! Also, [name]how[/name] about:
[name]Asher[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] sounds the best but [name]Abram[/name] is my favorite out of your names. [name]Abram[/name] Kyleactually doesn’t sound too bad.
I think with [name]Tobin[/name] [name]Grady[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] [name]Liam[/name], [name]Asher[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] or [name]Abram[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] go best.
If you are taking suggestions I’d also consider:
[name]Samuel[/name] [name]Kyle[/name]
[name]Elihu[/name] [name]Kyle[/name]
[name]Avram[/name] [name]Kyle[/name]
I think Zephan is the obvious winner here! It is a little different like [name]Tobin[/name] and [name]Jude[/name], but still really cool. [name]Asher[/name] is nice, but overdone imo. [name]Abram[/name] is nice as well, but you already have an obvious biblical names(not knocking them, I love them too).
I love the name Zephan! But I think [name]Abram[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] works better with [name]Tobin[/name] [name]Brady[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] [name]Liam[/name].
And with [name]Abram[/name], you can have the short and stunning nickname [name]Bram[/name]! (Which is in the Top Ten of my own boys’ list.)
I love [name]Asher[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] with [name]Tobin[/name] [name]Grady[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] [name]Liam[/name]! [name]Tobin[/name], [name]Jude[/name], and [name]Asher[/name] are so handsome together.
First off, I think [name]Elias[/name] would match your sibset with perfection. Perfection.
I like Zephan, but I don’t think it matches up particularly well with [name]Tobin[/name] and [name]Jude[/name]. Those two are so commonly recognized, whereas Zephan is not a name most people will have ever seen. Although I do like the idea for you of choosing a shortened, kinda hipper version of a traditional Biblical name (as in [name]Tobin[/name] from [name]Tobias[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] from [name]Judah[/name]).
[name]Abram[/name] sort of fits that ([name]Abram[/name] to [name]Abraham[/name]), but whereas [name]Tobias[/name] and [name]Judah[/name] were important Biblical figures, [name]Abraham[/name] is mentioned as a prophet, and I personally would feel weird naming my kid after a prophet. To me that makes it feel too heavy for a name.
[name]Asher[/name] isn’t a name I’d choose either, cuz even though it does fit your Biblical name sibset, I feel this one is super trendy and I just don’t like it. It always reminds me of what someone who is ashing a cigarette should be called.
Some other ideas:
[name]Elias[/name] (variation of [name]Elijah[/name])- just wanna mention it again, cuz I really think it’d match perfectly
[name]Zeke[/name] (shortened version of [name]Ezekiel[/name])
[name]Levi[/name] (shortened version of [name]Leviticus[/name])
I like [name]Asher[/name] for you. It has a wonderful meaning, “happy;” fits the biblical style of your other sons’ names, but is hip and trendy. Zephan is too unfamiliar; most will think it’s a misspelling of [name]Stephan[/name]. I don’t think [name]Abram[/name] is as cool as [name]Asher[/name], and besides, [name]Abram[/name] & [name]Tobin[/name] are (slightly) close in sound, but three brothers named [name]Asher[/name], [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Tobin[/name] all have utterly unique sounds.
The best sounding of the three is [name]Asher[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] (the meaning of [name]Asher[/name], blessed, is a plus as well). But [name]Abram[/name] [name]Kyle[/name] really isn’t a bad option either.
[name]Asher[/name] sounds best with your sibling names I think, it has a softness while still being strong and I get the same vibe from [name]Tobin[/name] and [name]Jude[/name].
It seems most are liking the “A” names more than Zephan … Our last name is Amos. Not sure how I feel about the alliteration ??
I do like some of the other suggestions but I have a large family and most of the names have been used all ready on cousins. My first two were named rather quickly this one may be a tough one. At least we have some time