Oh my surprise!

Hello berries!

My husband and I welcomed our bundle of joy into the world this [name]Monday[/name] at 11am!!! We thought we were having a girl but turned out to be a handsome little boy! My hubby and I could not be happier, he is healthy, and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen :slight_smile: With months of throwing around names both boys and girls but mainly girl names, we decided on…

[name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name]

Let me know what you think! I am in love with the name its rare yet strong. His middle name compliments the first name in our eyes and fits him oh so well. :slight_smile:

Congrats! [name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name] is a great name. I agree that [name]Jones[/name] compliments [name]Shepard[/name] very nicely. Quite handsome! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! [name]How[/name] funny! [name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name] is a great name.

congratulations! [name]Sheppard[/name] (two “p’s”) [name]James[/name] is a lovely combo.


Beautiful combo. [name]Glad[/name] you were prepared despite thinking it was going to be a girl.
[name]Welcome[/name] to the world little [name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name].

Congrats on the safe arrival of your little “surprise”, [name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name]. He sounds like he’s destined for the entertainment business! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I think you picked a really cool name :). Enjoy your little cutie!

Congratulations! I’m really liking the name [name]Shepherd[/name]/[name]Shepard[/name] lately. I think you made a good choice.
Best wishes.

Congratulations! I agree, [name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name] is great. I’ve really been loving [name]Shepherd[/name]/[name]Shepard[/name] lately, too!

Thank you everyone!! Hearing the positive responses makes his name even better for you always worry :slight_smile:

[name]Shepard[/name] [name]Jones[/name] is a wonderful name!..Really great!..Good job!..and congratulations!

[name]Love[/name] your choice! [name]Shepherd[/name] is my top choice for my next baby, if it is a boy. My struggle is the middle name, and I think [name]Jones[/name] is a great fit. Congrats!!

[name]Love[/name] this! It’s so cool!

Thank you Berries for the great feedback he really fits his name so perfectly!

I love it!!!

Congratulations! I [name]LOVE[/name] IT!!