Oh my

So my boyfriend has decided on [name]Blaze[/name] as [name]Hazel[/name]'s middle name. So excited that he was off [name]Marie[/name], that i agreed. On further thought…well, it rhymes. :frowning: He does not care. Thank goodness this child will not be born for a few years. lol. His suggestion to make me like [name]Blaze[/name] more was [name]Blayze[/name]. Yikes, i know.
Anyways he nows says he likes weird letters in names. Any suggestions i can hit him with later?

Well, at least it’s only in the middle! [name]Hazel[/name] is so pretty. Let’s see… weird letters… what about these?


What is it with men and liking names like [name]Storm[/name] and [name]Blaze[/name], even for girls?