Old go-to or new fav?

Also posted this under baby boy names but since it’s not strictly about boys names I figured I’d post here too.

First off I wanna preface this post by saying I feel like I’ve been posting way too much on here, so I’m sorry if you’re getting sick of seeing posts by me pop up. But we really want to keep baby’s name a secret from everyone we know in real life until after he’s born, so this is the only way I can get input and you guys have been so incredibly helpful so far.

Anyway, backstory: when me and my SO first started dated there was a character in a show we both love and we both basically said we really loved his name and started saying that whenever we had our firstborn boy that would definitely be his name. Well fast forward a few years later and we are now pregnant with our first boy.

Naturally when we found out we were pregnant we just assumed that that name would be his name if he was a boy, and didn’t really look too deeply into other boys names. But after finding out the baby is indeed a boy, and now it’s REAL, I’m having second thoughts. One of my main issues is the popularity of the name. It’s not super top-10 popular, but it is in the top 400 of boys names, and seems to be climbing rapidly.

But after wading through thousands of name lists there are very few we can agree on, some being even more popular than the original pick. But there is one name we found recently that we both love, is super unique, and we’re now seriously considering it.

So my question is: do we go with the name we have said would be our baby’s name for the past few years, even before actually having babies, or should we go with a new name? I can’t decide if me having second thoughts about the old name is just because I’m very indecisive, or if that’s a sign it’s not meant to be baby’s name. And picking a new name makes me nervous because it isn’t time tested… what if we don’t love it anymore in a few months or years? It’ll be his name for life! Has anyone else been in a similar boat or anything? If you’ve abandoned an old favorite did you have any regret, or maybe the opposite?

And before anyone asks, I purposely left out the names because I want input more on the situation rather than people just picking which name they prefer. Of course if you look back through my other posts you can definitely figure it out, but if there’s anyone who doesn’t remember my previous posts I don’t want the actual names to cloud the judgement of the scenario, if that makes sense. But the names are literally completely different styles. Think bold word name versus old school vintage name.

I, personally, would go with the old go-to, just based off of this post. It’s much harder to regret a name you’ve already had on your list for quite a while.

(Okay, out of curiosity, I read your post history. I’ll put my thoughts on the specific names:)


[name_f]My[/name_f] former opinion still stands, but if you’re talking about Odyssey, have you considered [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m]? It’s still bold and uncommon, but it’s the Latin version of [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] and is more “traditionally” usable. I think [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] would make a good combo, and [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] Odyssey would too. Of course, take all this with a grain of salt! They’re definitely both okay names, although I would say [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] > [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] > Odyssey.

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