I have…
[name]Audrey[/name] (Hepburn)
[name]Brigette[/name] ([name]Bardot[/name])
[name]Harlow[/name] ([name]Jean[/name])
[name]Lauren[/name] (Bacall)
[name]Rock[/name] [name]Hudson[/name]…both would make good names today.
I cant think of too many others that have very old hollywood style yet would still make a great name today…
I adore the name [name]Harlow[/name]. I want to name my daughter that in the future. I also am trying to find other names that are “Old Hollywood” so that my future daughter [name]Harlow[/name]'s future siblings can have names that “go with” [name]Harlow[/name]. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I can’t be too much help. The only other one I know about is [name]Audrey[/name] (which you listed) and I can’t use that for certain reasons. I wish you the best of luck though!
I, too, adore the name [name]Harlow[/name]… I just find its rise in popularity (since [name]Harlow[/name] [name]Madden[/name] was born) too much… its goint to be EVERYWHERE soon!
I, too, adore the name [name]Harlow[/name]… I just find its rise in popularity (since [name]Harlow[/name] [name]Madden[/name] was born) too much… its goint to be EVERYWHERE soon![/quote]
Thats too bad. I guess I should look into more beautiful and less popular names!
My mothers name was [name]Betty[/name] and I kinda sorta like the name. I asked a young kid at work if any body at his school was named [name]Betty[/name] and he said no. Not a one [name]Betty[/name] in the bunch.
Part of me wants to bring it back. I think cute chick when I think [name]Betty[/name]. My neighbor in the next office at work thinks Old Lady or Tramp when he hears it.
I don’t know, I just think that it’ll make a statement, but at the same time something modern would be classy too!
My mothers name was [name]Betty[/name] and I kinda sorta like the name. I asked a young kid at work if any body at his school was named [name]Betty[/name] and he said no. Not a one [name]Betty[/name] in the bunch.
Part of me wants to bring it back. I think cute chick when I think [name]Betty[/name]. My neighbor in the next office at work thinks Old Lady or Tramp when he hears it.
I don’t know, I just think that it’ll make a statement, but at the same time something modern would be classy too!
[name]Just[/name] to let you know - not in a bad way at all - but there is actually a saying for the past couple of years, when a girl is cute/stylish/hot, etc - they say “She’s a [name]Betty[/name]”
A question I saw come up a while ago was “[name]Will[/name] [name]Humphrey[/name] ever come back?” Yes, it does sound old and awkward, but current trends are so retro that I won’t say this one’s dead. It has the problem of sounding like a dismissive, but the 'net generation doesn’t “Hmph”. They use “Meh”.
My 2-year-old son is [name]Dean[/name]… like [name]Dean[/name] [name]Martin[/name]…
I like [name]Lucy[/name] for our daughter (being born this Friday), but hubby doesn’t like it. So we’re still deciding.