One middle or two, where one is my maiden name?

Hello berries!

I am still stuck on middle names for a boy (baby due in 2 months, gender a surprise). If baby is a boy he will be [name]Augustin[/name]. We know that we will use my maiden name as a middle name, but can’t decide if we should also have another middle.

My thoughts in favor of just one (my maiden name) - it makes the middle name more important when there’s just one, the full name won’t be too long. And in favor of two - it gives the child a “back up name” to use if he wants (he couldn’t really use my maiden name - it’s definitely a last name name!), and I just kind of like the two middle names thing. Help!!! Sooooo confused!!!

Also, if we use another middle - how many syllables should it have? [name]Augustin[/name] is 3 obviously, my maiden is 3 and our last name is 2. If we only use my maiden it will go 3-3-2. If we use another middle as well it will go 3-(?)-3-2. I’m thinking it has to be either one syllable or four as 3-3-3-2 and 3-2-3-2 don’t sound as good to me, but four makes the full name kinda long. So I guess it has to be one?

Thoughts? - two middle names or one? And does “flow” matter?

Thank you!!!

My preference would be for 1 middle name.

I would stick with your maiden name as the middle name and don’t use a second. Two three-syllable names plus a second middle AND a last name is a little too much imo.

Flow is a preference; meaning is far more important to me.

As someone with two middle names, one of which is my mother’s maiden name, I recommend that you go ahead and use both. I have always been very proud to have my mother’s maiden name as a second middle name, but I also wouldn’t have felt that my name was complete without a “regular” middle name.

Filling out forms has never been a problem for me; I just use my first middle name. It’s likely your child will rarely use his full four names, so I don’t think the syllable count is that big a problem. However, if you are concerned about flow, I agree that a one-syllable first middle name would be best.

Good luck with the naming process!

I used my maiden name in addition to a regular middle name for our son. ([name]Cuyler[/name] [name]Reese[/name] Holcomb) Our last name is one syllable so we felt we could do 2 middle names. It was to honor my parents and carry on my maiden name since we have all girls in my family. I love the idea of two middle names, so all boys we may have will get two. I agree with the previous poster about having a regular middle name to use as well. Since it’s an honorary thing, to me it didn’t matter the syllables and all that. He won’t be called his full name very often at all I am sure. I actually call him Cuy or [name]Cuyler[/name] [name]Reese[/name] a lot.

Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the feedback, it’s helping a lot with the thought process. Now I just need to find the perfect first middle name (I’ve posted on here about that and have lots of great suggestions but can’t settle on anything)…and work out if it should also be a family name or something random and fun…

We are debating the same thing. I think we are coming down on the side of using only one middle name (my last name) because otherwise it will get dropped/not used in favor of the second (first) middle name. If you’re okay with that, then I think four names is fine.

I think it’s great to have two middle names, however so the name has good flow I would put a shorter name after augustin.

on the same thread…my daughter is [name]Geneva[/name] [name]Simone[/name] [name]Dunbar[/name] (lastname), [name]Dunbar[/name] is my grandfather’s last name as a middle name!