One of these things is not like the other....

I have a son from my first marriage. He’s nearly 12.

His name is very distinctive, taken from his father’s ([name]African[/name]) culture.

My (new) husband and I are considering names for a new little one.

Obviously I want the new bub’s name to be just as distinctive as my son’s name, so I’m wondering if there is anyone out there that can share some experience of ‘blended family’ naming…

Obviously, if my son’s name is exotic, I’m not looking to name the new bub [name]Mary[/name] (not that I want to offend any ‘[name]Mary[/name]’ Mums. :))

[name]Do[/name] you have any ideas of what you want to name it? There are so many beautiful [name]African[/name] names for boys and for girls… [name]Do[/name] you know the sex of the baby yet?

One of my closest friends has a very distinctive name that reflects her culture (her dad was Scandanavian, her name is [name]Malin[/name]), but when her mom had her half sister about seven years later she named this her [name]Marisol[/name], because her last name is a Spanish last name. She kept them starting with the same letter, though I’m not sure if she did that on purpose or not. Basically what I am saying is that I think it all depends on what name you like! You could maybe ask your son if he has any favorite names and potentially take them into consideration (or have him pick the middle name, I know people who have done that and the little sibling has loved it). I’m sure that whatever you choose will be beautiful and complimentary to your sons name in some way :slight_smile: best of luck! please post your ideas if you like, and congratulations! :slight_smile:

[name]Do[/name] you have any ideas of what you want to name it? There are so many beautiful [name]African[/name] names for boys and for girls… [name]Do[/name] you know the sex of the baby yet?

One of my closest friends has a very distinctive name that reflects her culture (her dad was Scandanavian, her name is [name]Malin[/name]), but when her mom had her half sister about seven years later she named this her [name]Marisol[/name], because her last name is a Spanish last name. She kept them starting with the same letter, though I’m not sure if she did that on purpose or not. Basically what I am saying is that I think it all depends on what name you like! You could maybe ask your son if he has any favorite names and potentially take them into consideration (or have him pick the middle name, I know people who have done that and the little sibling has loved it). I’m sure that whatever you choose will be beautiful and complimentary to your sons name in some way :slight_smile: best of luck! please post your ideas if you like, and congratulations! :slight_smile:

Perhaps don’t pick another [name]African[/name] name (even though I love them), but pick another exotic-sounding name so that they are at least equally unusual. Names from Greek mythology, beyond the usual [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Diana[/name], are very good for this.

We agree that we don’t want another [name]African[/name] name. My son was given an Nigerian name because his father is Nigerian, it makes no sense for baby number two to have an [name]African[/name] name when his/her father is Australian. :slight_smile:

My son’s name is Adetokunbo, we call him TK.

So, TK and…

Girl names we can agree on:

[name]Delilah[/name] ([name]Lilah[/name]/[name]Lily[/name])

(middle name with be [name]May[/name] – this is set).

Girl names I like but he doesn’t:
[name]Myrtle[/name] ([name]Millie[/name], [name]Tilly[/name])

Boys names we can agree on:

[name]Floyd[/name] (we both like [name]Floyd[/name] and if we can find a middle name to make it work, it’d be the top pick)
[name]Roscoe[/name] (my husbands name is [name]Ross[/name] and his family call him [name]Roscoe[/name] a lot, I’d like to use it, he’s not so keen).

Family names that we might like to use:

[name]Frank[/name] (although I don’t love the name)
[name]Eric[/name] (Already used as a mn by my [name]SIL[/name])
[name]David[/name] (Already used as a mn by my [name]SIL[/name])
[name]Carlton[/name] (I really like this one, but it’s also the name of a footy team)

[name]Stanley[/name] (From my side of the family)
[name]Samuel[/name] (also from my side of the family)

Our last name sounds like Finnmore.

I love [name]Lena[/name] and [name]Nate[/name] great names!

To summarise my favourite combos are:

[name]Lily[/name] [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]David[/name]

I really like [name]Lily[/name] [name]Violet[/name] Finnmore so sweet, classic and feminine.

[name]Delilah[/name] may sound sweet enough but the Biblical [name]Delilah[/name] ruined it for me.

If you want [name]Tilly[/name] why not choose the beautiful [name]Matilda[/name], as an Aussie I love this name.

I have to say that I feel that [name]David[/name] is a wonderful name, and I would encourage you to use this name. I have no worries about other people in the family having a name the same as the one that I like. My family is full of people who have the same names.

[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]David[/name] nn [name]Nate[/name]

I would encourage you to go down the [name]Ross[/name] path by using it to name a daughter rather than a son because you can get so many lovely [name]Ros[/name] names eg [name]Rose[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name] etc

[name]Anthea[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] Finnmore I am impressed with [name]Anthea[/name].
[name]Matilda[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Finnmore
[name]Matilda[/name] [name]Rosamund[/name] Finnmore
[name]Dahlia[/name] is pronounced a lot differently in Australia to the US so I would hesitate on using this one.
If you want a flower name I suggest [name]Marguerite[/name] and you then have the lovely [name]Daisy[/name] for a nn

Use [name]Charles[/name] instead of [name]Carl[/name] (ton), the nn of [name]Charlie[/name] is so nice ([name]Carl[/name] is a form of [name]Charles[/name]).

[name]Charlton[/name] is another great alternative and you get the nn of [name]Charlie[/name].

[name]Charles[/name] [name]Elliott[/name] nn [name]Charlie[/name]

[name]Lucas[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name] is handsome

[name]Charles[/name] [name]Francis[/name] (if you want to use [name]Frank[/name])

[name]Floyd[/name] I am sorry to say is not my style, I just see [name]Pink[/name] [name]Floyd[/name], of all your choices except [name]Stanley[/name] this is my least favourite

[name]Leon[/name] [name]David[/name] is nice enough and I prefer it to [name]Leo[/name]

[name]Samuel[/name] is such a popular name that I don’t feel that this is what you are looking for if you want a really distinctive name.

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Rollo[/name],

I think I mentioned in my post that the middle name for a girl will be [name]May[/name], so I’m looking for a combo to go with that.

Neither name in the boy combo is set though.

We don’t mind about either the Biblical [name]Delilah[/name] or the [name]Pink[/name] [name]Floyd[/name] connotations.

I had a Great Aunt [name]Myrtle[/name], which I would like to honour, and I don’t think [name]Matilda[/name] does that.

I did actually post about the pronouciation differences with [name]Dahlia[/name], and as someone living in Australia, I’m happy that it’d be pronounced the way I want it to be… most of the time. :slight_smile:

Sorry I totally forgot about [name]May[/name] being the mn.

[name]Dahlia[/name] [name]May[/name] is very pretty

I am trying to find a fit for [name]Myrtle[/name] and the only thing I am getting is [name]Meryl[/name] [name]May[/name], not much help to you.

One last thought do you like [name]May[/name] in the form of [name]Maeve[/name]?

[name]Maeve[/name] [name]Delilah[/name] Is it okay to put [name]May[/name] in the first name spot?

and perhaps [name]Jeremiah[/name] [name]Floyd[/name]?

Best wishes to you.

I don’t [name]LOVE[/name] [name]May[/name], but I do love the family history of it.

My mn is [name]May[/name], my Mum’s mn is [name]May[/name], her Mum’s mn is [name]May[/name], my Father’s Mum’s mn is [name]May[/name], and my Husbands’s Grandmother’s name is [name]May[/name].

So while I love [name]Maeve[/name] (Hubby doesn’t), I think we are most likely to stick to [name]May[/name] in the middle spot…

[name]Myrtle[/name] is a tough one huh? I’m not sure I’m brave enough to revive it… although I love the nm’s.

I like [name]Delilah[/name] [name]May[/name] & [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Roscoe[/name]

I like
Girl: [name]Lily[/name] [name]Anthea[/name] [name]May[/name] Finnmore
Boy: [name]Floyd[/name] [name]Dexter[/name] [name]Ramiro[/name] Finnmore