Oops! Poll Now Included: Why do you spend time on nameberry?

See the results of this poll: Why do you spend time on nameberry?

Respondents: 126 (This poll is closed)

  • Love names, not planning to have kids : 20 (7%)
  • Planning to have kids in future years : 80 (28%)
  • Trying to have a child : 10 (3%)
  • Pregnant and looking for names : 9 (3%)
  • Recently had kids and still like names : 20 (7%)
  • Creating and naming characters : 25 (9%)
  • Interested in pop culture & name trends : 56 (19%)
  • Like to influence rise of certain names : 14 (5%)
  • Conversation/camaraderie with others : 50 (17%)
  • Didn’t get to have kids, still love names: 5 (2%)

This is going to be interesting! Have often wondered this myself, look forward to watching the results ”

Hmm, 2 options really pertained to me but I picked naming characters. I plan on having children in the next 2 years so I look at names for potential kiddos but I also love naming characters for my stories since I won’t have enough children to use all of the names that I adore.

Three reasons for me:

  1. Planning on having kids in the future years.
  2. Interested in naming trends/pop culture.
  3. Conversation/camaraderie with others.

I have always had a very strange interest in names even when I was a kid myself. I loved making up different combinations! Now I’m at the stage where kids could happen in the upcoming years its even more of an obsession!

I’ve always been obsessed with names. I love coming on here and discussing names with others and seeing what fellow Berries are naming their babies. I also love the advice and name combos that I receive and see. Some combos on here have really knocked me off my feet.

As someone who is 52 and has two babies in [name_f]Heaven[/name_f] (both named) I feel comforted knowing that there are many reasons I’m so into nameberry, that it’s not just for people who are expecting (whether in 9 months or down the road).

Though sometimes I get so caught up in names that I forget I am not going to get to name any more people. :slight_smile: Though I always make suggestions to pregnant friends and family members and sometimes they have been used ([name_m]Colin[/name_m], [name_m]Zane[/name_m], [name_f]Amber[/name_f], and a cow in Nebraska!)

My reasons were planning on having kids in the future years; although, a guy in the picture would probably change a lot of my name combinations. Conversation/camaraderie with others has actually been a big one for me. I love hearing the regional differences in trends and cultural differences that are reflected in naming practices. Interested in naming trends/pop culture is more minor, compared to the other two, but it’s still a reason.

I voted for quite a few: ‘Planning to have kids in the future’ (although it’s in the very far future), ‘conversation/camaraderie with others’, ‘naming characters’ and ‘interested in pop culture and trends’ but I think the main reason I lurked and then eventually joined was to discover new and awesome names and to refine my taste. I also think that NB is a pretty great community. I am very shy in real life, but I’m pretty comfortable on here.

Yes, I agree. Most of my friends and relatives do not share my crazed passion for names and naming and I can only ask my long-suffering husband so many times “Would you rather be married to a [name_f]Demelza[/name_f] or a [name_f]Morwenna[/name_f]?” or “Would you rather be named [name_m]Mortimer[/name_m] or [name_m]Septimus[/name_m]?” before he rebels! :slight_smile:

I think one of the options should be: I have no life. I would vote for that answer lol. But I just love names what can I say.

I’m a teenager, and have always just loved names. I want to have kids eventually, but no where in the near future! Its becoming an obsession…But I really do love names and helping other people choose names!

I’m both recently had kids and planning for future kids, also just a name nerd who likes seeing other folks name inspiration and chit chat about trends…

I love it! Sometimes I feel I have no life too and that nameberry is my only “video game” vice! :slight_smile:

I voted not planning and like to influence. It’s nice to see that I’m not the only child-free person hanging out on nameberry! I like to see a wider variety of names in the world. I’m 29 and have met countless Michaels in my lifetime. At my work (ages ranging from early 20s to late 50s) there are several and they go by [name_m]Mike[/name_m] D, [name_m]Mike[/name_m] S, [name_m]Mike[/name_m] T, etc. Lame!

I wouldn’t say I’m here for only one of these reasons, but I voted for “Conversation/camaraderie with others” because it’s why I stick around.

My obsession is with names but I also like the conversation - my friends are on NB and not really [name_m]IRL[/name_m].

Well, I’m married to a [name_u]Michael[/name_u] aka [name_m]Mike[/name_m]. :slight_smile:

But I get what you are saying. This is my 27th year teaching and every year I marvel at how incredibly BORING most name selections are. Not that they are bad names, some are lovely, but so much a sameness.

I am excited that this year I have a [name_m]Teodoro[/name_m], an [name_f]Azalea[/name_f], and a [name_f]Gladys[/name_f], but I too hope to meet more interestingly named people and my input to nameberry is in that effort.

As for me, a teenberry, I am on this because I plan on having kids in the future.

Names have always fascinated me. I hoped to have children, but I probably can’t. I like to see what names other people are using.