Opinions for artsy/camping baby!

Hello maybe I can help! I live in a pretty granola, tree hugging, [name]PETA[/name] area. Lets just say that at my daughters parent teacher meetings most parents were outraged that our 2-3yrs olds use plastic forks??? I dodnt really understand the problem but apparently some parents are afraid that plastic is poison to their children. So the solution is the have our toddlers use silverware, and stabe each other with it COME ON! anyways you get my point. Many of my daughters class mates have classic names like [name]Henry[/name] or hippy names like [name]Indigo[/name].

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Lou[/name]- [name]Violet[/name] is pop but more with the parents that name there other children [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Avery[/name] and [name]Sophia[/name]. [name]Lou[/name] is cute mn. What about [name]Zinnia[/name], [name]Aster[/name] or [name]Daisy[/name]?

[name]Phoebe[/name] [name]June[/name]- [name]Phoebe[/name] is cute and up and coming. I really like [name]June[/name] even as a first

[name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Luna[/name]- [name]Scarlett[/name] is cute but doe not have any good nn. Ok so [name]LUNA[/name] is the biggest name in my granola area I swear to you every 3rd girl i meet is [name]LUNA[/name].

[name]Iris[/name] [name]Allison[/name]- [name]Iris[/name] is very cool and not trying to hard. [name]Allison[/name] does not sound good with [name]Iris[/name]

I love [name]Indie[/name]/[name]Indy[/name] we are prob gonna use [name]Indie[/name] if the little bean im my tummy is a girl.

[name]Henry[/name] [name]Hyde[/name]- not the est combo cuz of the politician. [name]Henry[/name] is VERY pop in my area especially with well traveled or European parents. [name]Hyde[/name] is a SUPER cool middle [name]LOVE[/name] it.

[name]July[/name]- I think this name is ok. I mean why not? I know a [name]January[/name], [name]November[/name] and [name]October[/name].

[name]August[/name]- This name is way classic. Its cute too with the nn gus. I think this name is super underused. Its cool with out trying too hard.

[name]George[/name]- It is hard for me to see this on a baby, but it is not a bad name at all. Why not [name]Harrison[/name]??

[name]Robert[/name]- maybe as a middle [name]Henry[/name] [name]Robert[/name]

You don’t happen to live in Oregon do you? I just visited my cousin over there and I swear every single child I met has a one of these names

Alexa400- I live in Los [name]Angeles[/name]!


[name]Violet[/name] [name]Lou[/name] - I think this is adorable. [name]Violet[/name] is growing in popularity though (#141) and doesn’t seem to be slowing, so if popularity is an issue for you this may not be the right one. Other flower names with less popularity: [name]Juniper[/name], [name]Clover[/name], [name]Linnea[/name], or [name]Jessamine[/name].

[name]Phoebe[/name] [name]June[/name] - By the time she grows up the association won’t be around. It’s another cute choice.

[name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Luna[/name] - Another great choice, I absolutely love [name]Luna[/name].

[name]Iris[/name] [name]Allison[/name] - I like it, but when I say it I feel a bit lispy. From your list of other family names [name]Iris[/name] [name]Jeanne[/name] or [name]Iris[/name] [name]Vivian[/name].

[name]Indy[/name] is adorable. Like the others suggested it could be a NN for [name]Indira[/name]. But how about a name that ends in *inda like [name]Jacinda[/name], [name]Lucinda[/name], or [name]Melinda[/name].


(middle name will probably be either [name]Evans[/name], [name]Hyde[/name], or [name]Joseph[/name]…)

[name]Henry[/name] - I don’t think this is too posh. But it is becoming quite popular.

[name]July[/name] - Not something I would have come up with, but I really like it. [name]Julian[/name] is a great alternative.

[name]August[/name] - My father’s MN, his godfather’s first name. Only times I’ve heard it used so I’ve always assumed it to be a gently old fashioned name. I really like it. [name]August[/name] [name]Hyde[/name]…

[name]George[/name] - I don’t think it would be to much for a little kid. Although if you are worried about it sounding to grown-up, [name]Harrison[/name] is a lovely name too, as is the NN [name]Harry[/name].

[name]Robert[/name] - I love this name, but again the popularity…

Thanks for the help! A little more?

The problem we’re having with [name]Violet[/name] [name]Lou[/name] is that is a bit too popular for me, but both names are dear grandmothers to us, and it’s important to my DH that we don’t just “randomly” pick a name. I just need the name to mean something to me( but it helps that it’s not tooo popular!)

I’m loving [name]Phoebe[/name] more and more…
Also love [name]June[/name], but one syllable first doesn’t sound right with one syllable last name.

I think it’s great that you know so many Lunas! I live in [name]Texas[/name] and work with kids, and have never met one. I’d love to use it as a first name, but hubby hates it, and yes, it may be too hippie even for me. I don’t want my kid to be cornered into a personality type just because of her name :wink:

Does [name]Iris[/name] sound feminine enough? I know it’s a flower…but IDK. Something about it just doesn’t feel quite right.

Curious- Would you use just [name]INDIE[/name] on the birth certificate or would it be short for something? I do think it’s super cute, and it’s really growing on me!

Boys. :expressionless: Why are boys names so hard for me??

I am leaning away from [name]Henry[/name] now, not just because of the politician thing, but mostly because it just sounds too…IDK uptown? suburban? not me so much.

[name]Hyde[/name] is my DH middle, and I love it, so def leaning to it as a middle.

Still on the fence over [name]August[/name]. I want to love it, but are you sure it’s not trying too hard?

One more name has made the list…WDYT of [name]Eliot[/name] or [name]Elliot[/name]?

THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP! I am sooooo glad I have nameberry!


[name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Zinnia[/name]?

I’ve always said ZEEN-YA. Two syllables, accent on first.

But I’ve also heard ZIN-EE-UH. Three syllables, accent on first.