I have 4 kids and am currently trying for a 5th. Some important information about my husband is that he changed his last name to mine when we got married. He is perfectly fine with this, but as this is planned to be our last child he is a little upset that he never gets to carry on his name. He and I are liking the idea of using his bachelors name as a middle name for this child if it’s a boy. We told my in-laws about this idea thinking they would be excited since they were upset about their little boy changing his last name to mine. We thought they would be excited about this but they are not liking the idea saying just use a different family name. My husband and I don’t rely heavily on their opinion but do you think it would be better to just use another family name.
I see no problem with using his former last name as a middle. [name_u]Or[/name_u], if you’re in [name_u]America[/name_u], you could just use his last name…as the last name. It doesn’t have to match the legal parents last name in most states!
It is none of their business. Don’t ask and don’t tell is my advice!
I think it’d be lovely to use his bachelor name as your baby’s middle! Another family name would also work of course (perhaps your husband’s first or middle name even), but I love the idea of a former surname used as a middle. Absolutely brilliant.
I know several people who either have their mother’s or grandmother’s maiden name as a middle or did this for their children. It actually has a ‘traditional’ feeling to me, imo.
Perhaps your in-laws are still sore over the name change of their son. I could see it being something like “well the name wasn’t good enough for him but you’ll give it to his child” or just a ripple-effect of how dramatic it may have been, only to ‘reverse’ it now in a way. Not saying I agree with any of that but that is what came to mind. If you really want to know, maybe they will tell you.
In the end, it isn’t their choice. It is yours. If you both like it, then so be it. It isn’t weird or super unusual
[name_f]My[/name_f] middle name is my mother’s maiden name and two of my cousins have their mother’s maiden name as their middle name. I like it but maybe it depends on the name and the family situation.
The only thing that’s important here, is how you feel about this. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you and your husband really want to use the name? Is that the middle option you love most? If yes, please use it. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re making the wrong choice.
Personally, I really love the idea. Depending on the name, I would probably use it if baby were a girl too. I think it’s a sweet honor for your husband, and I love the added meaning it gives to your childs name. I’m sure someday they’ll love that they have it as a part of their name, too!
A lot of people use last names as middle names, it’s a pretty common thing I’ve seen. I don’t think it seems weird at all, and personally I would use it over a different family name (unless I loved the other family name more, of course)!
[name_m]Just[/name_m] go with what you love. Don’t listen to the negative opinions about your choice. Good luck with your decision!!
I think using your husband’s former name is a great idea! I’d go ahead and do it, regardless if it’s something you want to do!!
I think its nice! I love having a nod to the past or family in the middle spot. Maybe your in laws just think of it as more of a maiden name thing and it bugs them. [name_u]Or[/name_u] does he have an umm unfortunate bachelor” name? Im sure not since you’re considering it. [name_f]Do[/name_f] what you like and what you think your future kiddo will appreciate.
I think it would be a wonderful way to honor his last name! I am surprised they were on board with him taking your last name but not using his old last name as a middle for your child?
However, I think it’s a great idea and it is still a “family name” that gives him the chance to carry his old last name on a bit!
[name_f]My[/name_f] middle is my gma’s maiden name. I think it’s cool!
Oh I just read your background info. They’re probably still salty it isn’t the last name so they’re skewed on this question. I think you should do it if your husband likes it!
If you like it then use it as it’s a very common thing to do.
[name_f]My[/name_f] brother has my mother’s maiden name as one of his middle names, my father has his paternal grandmother’s maiden name as one of his middle names and his brother, my uncle has their mother’s maiden as his middle name.
[name_u]Love[/name_u] the idea! A family friend’s maiden name was [name_u]Dawson[/name_u] and she used it as her son’s middle. Also, I’m glad you don’t rely on others opinions. It’s your baby, do what you want! lol
I love the idea! Especially for people such as myself who aren’t wild on hyphenated or double last names, I think having both parents’ names included is a really sweet connection. I hope to be able to do so should I ever end up having children