Opinions on Rilyn?

Back to the drawing board. Hubby is now tired of the name [name]Summer[/name] :(. I have been fond of the name [name]Rylan[/name] (boy name) but I think it sounds just as femiinine. What do you think of the name. I do not normally like to mess up regular spellings but [name]Rylan[/name] is too masculine and hoping I can get the lynn sound instead of lan.

Maybe spelling it


Older brothers are [name]Easton[/name] and Rowdy

It doesn’t sound feminine at all to me, regardless of the spelling.

I’d suggest…

[name]Rosalin[/name] / [name]Roslyn[/name]

thank you for your opinion

[name]Rosalin[/name] / [name]Roslyn[/name] - too close to Rosylynn which is my moms middlename and she dislikes
Rozenn - nms
[name]Rhianon[/name] - nms
[name]Riona[/name] - nms

I’m sorry but I really don’t like it. Probably because it reminds me too much of [name]Ryan[/name] (ALL boy to me) and [name]Riley[/name] (which I just don’t like, regardless of gender).

I don’t like this, but if you’re going to use it, I suggest Rylinn, as it looks the most feminine.

[name]How[/name] about:

[name]Ryanne[/name] ([name]Ry[/name]-[name]ANN[/name])
Rayleigh ([name]Ray[/name]-lee)

I know a girl called [name]Rylan[/name]. It’s really cute I think and my favorite spelling is the Rilyn one. I am not a fan of made up names and cutesy spellings normally, but like this one!

I really, really dislike it. It’s masculine, trendy and the spelling is too ambiguous. (Is it ry-lyn, rill-an? is it spelled Rylyn, Rilyn, [name]Rylan[/name]?) It’s just insubstantial and tacky, [name]IMO[/name], not something that will age nicely or look professional or appropriate on an adult.

This. Rilyn and Rilynn do not look any more feminine than [name]Rylan[/name].

I dont’ think [name]Rylan[/name] (in an form) would make my top list with [name]Easton[/name] and Rowdy, but especially not for a girl. Sorry.
I’d probably suggest something like
[name]Autumn[/name] (too seasonally themed after [name]Summer[/name]?)

Yup. Totally my thought also. Except for the too masculine part. I think [name]Rylan[/name] would be fine on a girl. But only with the original spelling.

I hate it with the burning passion of a thousand suns. [name]How[/name] about [name]Ruby[/name], [name]Rhiannon[/name], [name]Ripley[/name], [name]Riva[/name], [name]Raven[/name], [name]River[/name]…even [name]Riley[/name] would be better.

My trend-o-meter just went off the charts. Sorry, it just seems like another trendy/masculine girls name. [name]Love[/name] suggestion of [name]Tabitha[/name] for you.