Opinions on Rosemary please? xx

What do you all think of [name]Rosemary[/name]? [name]How[/name] would imagine one to be?
Want to have a form of [name]Mary[/name] in our name after my mam & at the moment we have [name]Mariella[/name](nn [name]Maisy[/name]), [name]Molly[/name] & now seriously considering [name]Rosemary[/name](nn [name]Rose[/name], [name]Rosie[/name] or [name]Maisy[/name])

What do you all think? Also as explained in previous post hubby may be relocating to New [name]York[/name] from the U.K during the summer so how would [name]Rosemary[/name] be percieved?

I like [name]Rosemary[/name]. It’s sweet but old fashioned. I like [name]Rosemarie[/name] better because it would honor my grandma but I also worry about how it is perceived. The good thing is that she could go by [name]Ro[/name], [name]Rose[/name], [name]Rosie[/name], or [name]Romy[/name], if she wanted.

[name]Lovely[/name]! It’s such a pretty name.

Thanks a million for the replies! [name]Just[/name] to say the middle name will be [name]Catherine[/name] so [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Catherine[/name].

Also which of the 3 names do you all prefer [name]Molly[/name], [name]Mariella[/name] or [name]Rosemary[/name]? Middle name for all to be [name]Catherine[/name]. Which is the most classic & also which would be considered most high society in NY?!!!

I looooooove [name]Rosemary[/name]! It topped my list a few years ago. I think it’s lovely! I actually had [name]Molly[/name] picked as a nickname for it, and I love that option.
I’ve never been to New [name]York[/name] (apart from like, [name]Lake[/name] Placid) so I have no idea how it’d be perceived, but I can’t see a downside to using [name]Rosemary[/name].

[name]Love[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name]!!! It’s a sweet and beautiful name. [name]Love[/name] the Nn [name]Rosie[/name] and [name]Romy[/name]

[name]Rosemary[/name] is beautiful and definitely my favourite from your choices so far. [name]Rosemary[/name] will work lovely in both the US and UK, but for some reason I think of it as a more British name than American. I picture a little blonde haired, blue eyed girl with cute little ringlets. I think of someone very soft and sweet and quite artistic. [name]Romy[/name] could be a cute nn as well if you’re interested :slight_smile:

I like [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] the best of your combinations. It’s classic and you can use lots of nns as noted above. I don’t know which would be perceived best by people in NY-- but I think this would work well anywhere.

I think [name]Rosemary[/name] is so pretty! Also, my favorite out of your choices-[name]Molly[/name] comes in second. [name]Catherine[/name] as a MN flows well too. I teach a little girl named [name]Rosemary[/name] and she made me fall in love with the name. She is a very sweet and bright child. Knowing her makes me feel like a child can definitely carry and pull off that name bc I used to think of it kind of too old fashion. I feel like the name [name]Rosemary[/name] will be perceived with nice reactions from others bc it’s very pretty and traditional but not super common. Good [name]Luck[/name]!

[name]Just[/name] remember, like maris0416 said, it is the child who makes the name! Picking the right name will be a plus, but the name just accentuates that little girl who will carry it and make it her own.

I actually know an adult [name]Rosemary[/name] who has a little girl named [name]Karla[/name] :slight_smile: And I know a little girl named [name]Molly[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are great associations for me as well. [name]Rosemary[/name] is one of those names that has stood the test of time, so surely that says something! And if she was to stay in NYC her whole life, [name]Romy[/name] (or even Romilly!) is very artsy and uniquely bold. [name]Even[/name] that seems to fit with [name]Catherine[/name]. [name]Romy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]…has a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you agree?

[name]Rosemary[/name] is lovely. I’m not from NY but I’m from [name]Philly[/name], which is just south of there. [name]Rosemary[/name] would stand out a bit as not very popular, but in a tasteful, vaguely retro way.

I like that it is botanical without being super sugary. It has a crisp herbal feel to me. It’s one of my favourite [name]Rose[/name]-names.

You might hear occasionally about [name]Rosemary[/name]'s [name]Baby[/name] but that’s about the worst.

[name]Molly[/name] is NOT high society. It is not objectionable or ugly but I know a bajillion working-class girls named [name]Molly[/name]. It is not unpleasant or trashy but it is very “well-loved” as it were. I find [name]Molly[/name] rather adorable actually but its a bit of a standard, like [name]Hannah[/name]. I think [name]Mariella[/name] would sound vaguely Spanish to many. And there’s a ton of Ellas roaming at the moment amongst the under-10s.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name]! My second daughter was [name]Rosemary[/name] for a few hours but then we went with simply [name]Mary[/name] as a final choice. lovely lovely name

I live in ny and rosemary is nt very common although it was when i was a little girl in the 1970’s. Out of your 3 choices i think its the most classic although nt sure its perceived as high society. I like the combo, rosemary catherine flows nicely!

Thanks so much for the replies.This naming business is tough!!! Yes I think [name]Rosemary[/name] is best of my choices too, loving the options of [name]Rose[/name], [name]Rosie[/name] or [name]Mary[/name](which I love!!!) as nn’s. [name]Molly[/name] probably too common at the moment & as you pointed out [name]Mariella[/name] probably sits in better with the Spanish community. We are pale, freckly Brits!! I just hope it won’t be pronounced [name]Rosemarie[/name] instead of [name]Rosemary[/name]?

I think [name]Rosemarie[/name] is less known than [name]Rosemary[/name]. I don’t see why it would be pronounced that way unless you’re going to spell it that way. I mean you’ll have your small quotient of careless people who can barely read, like any name gets (I’m sure those people also read “[name]Jane[/name]” as “[name]Jan[/name]”) but if anything I think [name]Rosemarie[/name] would be more likely mispronounced as [name]Rosemary[/name] than the reverse.

[name]Rosemary[/name] has the benefit of being pretty straightforward to read but not terribly popular. [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Mary[/name] are both very simple names but [name]Rosemary[/name] doesn’t feel like a random smush, either, where you have to ask yourself “was that [name]Jenny[/name] [name]Sue[/name] or [name]Jenny[/name] [name]Lou[/name]?” or whatever, if you know what I mean. [name]Rosemary[/name] holds together.

[name]Molly[/name] is on my top ten so it’s a personal favourite, but [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is just divine! [name]Rosemary[/name] is a very pretty name, and you could call your girl [name]Rosie[/name] [name]Mae[/name] or [name]Rosie[/name] [name]Cate[/name] or something equally sweet when she is young:)

Thanks a million for the replies x Svea loving the nn [name]Rosie[/name] [name]May[/name] that is a great idea, thank you that way I still get my moms name.
[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Rosemary[/name] is the best option as a tribute to my mom as opposed to [name]Molly[/name] or [name]Mariella[/name]. She would love a namesake & I think [name]Rosemary[/name] is the most obvious of our choices?

Anyone else? x

You are honoring a [name]Mary[/name], correct? If so, [name]Rosemary[/name] is the most direct honor, I think, as it contains [name]Mary[/name]. I also think [name]Rosemary[/name] is the best of your names in every possible way. [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is wonderful!

[name]Glad[/name] you like it:) I think [name]Rosemary[/name] is a great way of honouring your mom, and it is a beautiful name:)