Opinions on Wanda?

I am a florist and absolutely love the orchid [name_f]Vanda[/name_f], so I want to name my baby girl [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] after the flower. It sounds great with my last name (two syllable, Norwegian) and I think it’s a really timeless, elegant name that has grown on me after I became a florist.

What do you think of the name? I know a lot of people associate it with old women. Also, do you know of any nicknames besides the ridiculus Wandi/Wanie?

While it may seem a little outdated to some people, I think [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] would be a good choice for you. It fits perfectly with the wave of older names coming back into fashion, yet will most likely remain underused. It’s a very familiar name, but not one I can see many people using. I think that’s a plus! I also like the orchid idea, it’s personal as well as unique. The only downside would be the “old lady” association that you mentioned. Or perhaps [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] from The [name_u]Magic[/name_u] School Bus. Neither of those associations are negative though, and I have a feeling by the time your daughter is schooling age hardly anyone would have a strong opinion of the name. I think it can totally be revamped and modern. Overall, I’m in favor of [name_f]Wanda[/name_f]!

The first nickname that popped into my head was [name_u]Andy[/name_u]/[name_f]Andie[/name_f]/[name_f]Andi[/name_f]. I think those could potentially be very cute nicknames.

Good luck!


I actually think [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] could sound quite fresh, particularly due to the The Host association. In a book surrounded by the names of the future, [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] held up perfectly. It is a beautiful one at that.

I’ve had more exposure to [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] recently, and I’m starting to like it. I might need to hear it on a child to be ore convinced, but it’s a nice enough. [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] seems to be the nickname that comes up most in stuff I’ve read.

Due to reading many Avengers fanfics I have really started to like [name_f]Wanda[/name_f]. Unfortunately I’m a nicknamer and I can’t find one nickname for it that I love. [name_f]Andie[/name_f] is the only one besides [name_f]Wendy[/name_f] I can think of.

I like it. My mother in law is [name_f]Wenda[/name_f] which is similar. If you love it I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t use it!

[name_f]Wanda[/name_f] is very spunky; I say go for it! I can’t think of any nicknames that haven’t already been mentioned, but [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] doesn’t really need one as it’s nice and short already.

I can’t shake the geriatric feel, unfortunately.

Maybe it’s because I grew up in the 80’s, but to my ears, [name_f]Wanda[/name_f] will always be a fish.